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Audio Capture Filter Specification

The audio capture filter can only be used as the first filter of an input graph. It reads audio data from the specified MultiMedia device.

JSON Structure

	"name": "Audio Capture",
	"device": {
		"name": "..."
	"format": {
		"sampleRate": "...",
		"resolution": "...",
		"numberOfChannels": "..."
deviceDefines the physical device.
  • name: Name of the device as shown in Windows' list of recording devices. It is sufficient to specify only a part of this string in the name field, as long as it is unique to the device. The name can also be empty - in this case, the default recording device is used.

Describes the audio format, which is to be read from the device.

  • sampleRate: Sampling rate in Hz. The supported values depend on the device. Most devices support at least 44100 and 48000 Hz.
  • resolution: Bit width of a single audio sample. The supported values depend on the device. Most devices support 16 and 24 bit audio.
  • numberOfChannels: This must be either 1 (for a mono recording) or 2 (for a stereo recording). The field is optional, with a default value of 2.

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