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External Control (Ember Device, GPIO, Turbo Player)

It is possible to enable external components to control a ROAD job. Besides any software, which might refer to the ROAD API (esp. the Easy REST interface), there exist special components to control ROAD jobs (see below).

The basic idea is to have a standby schedule, which cares for a specific job to be ready to be triggered by an external command. This schedule keeps the complete job description and makes the job being prepared, so it can go to running mode with minimal delay after a command is received.

Ember+ or GPIO Control

Both Ember+ (for mixing consoles) and GPIO (for hardware controllers) need the source nodes to be configured inside the job description. See External Control Configuration

Turbo Player Control

For Turbo Player control there is a specific Turbo Player module TIOROAD, which refers to a ROAD job via its alias. So it’s crucial on ROAD side to set a unique alias to the respective schedule (or job).

The configuration on Turbo Player side is documented in TIOROAD.PDF, which is being delivered with the TIOROAD package.

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