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Install External Control (Ember+, GPIO)

For support of external control modules, the relevant DLLs must be copied to the ROAD Service host (usually into the folder Program Files\ROAD):


DLLs to be copied to the same folder as RoadService.exe (“\Program Files\ROAD”).

  • TIOEmberPlus64.dll, libember_slim64.dll: Needed for Ember+ support

  • TIOGpio64.dll, PclDrv64.dll: Needed for GPIO support. Install also

    • PclService.exe : Windows Service, which handles communication with hardware. Can be installed anywhere. Note: This is a 32 bit version, because this is independent from the ROAD Service architecture.

  • An IO Control DLL, used by PclService.exe. Must be installed in the same folder as PclService.exe. Note: PclSimulation16.dll simulates an IO card using a window on the desktop.

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