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Output Switch Specification

Output Switch Specification

The Output Switch Specification is used to define, when certain output filters switch their destination. Currently, the only filter which supports this, is the DPE Writer filter (which finished the current upload, and begins uploading a new table entry). In output graphs with other filters at the end, output switches are ignored.

JSON Structure

"outputSwitch": {
	"time": [
	"interval": "hh:mm:ss.sss",
    "intervalOnOutputGraphs": false/true

An array of UTC time stamps, at which the destination is switched. If the date part of a time stamp is missing, the current day is assumed. Also, the millisecond part and the "Z" specifier can be omitted.

The parameter is optional; if no times are listed, only the "interval" parameter is relevant.


The time interval, after which a switch occurs. This is a recurring interval, i.e. if you specify "00:30:00.000", then every 30 minutes the destination will be switched. The millisecond part can be omitted.

The parameter is optional.


By default, output switch intervals are determined by the input graph of the job, and therefore the interval includes the period, when the job is in paused state. This behavior can be changed by using the option intervalOnOutputGraphs: true . In this case, output switches are handled individually for each output graph (after level trigger application, if configured), so that the time in pause state does not count towards the interval.

The parameter is optional, the default is false.


  • Be careful when using both "time" and "interval". Each switch caused by a timestamp in "time" resets the interval timer.
  • If a job with output switch is being launched by the ROAD scheduling and it's being resumed or started too late, the first interval is being shortened to come into the time pattern.
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