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Rundown Player Filter Specification

(warning) This filter is work in progress! (warning)

The Rundown Player filter can only be used as the first filter of an input graph. It is specifically designed to play a rundown defined in the Broadcast System, and is controlled by the RundownBroker service.

JSON Structure

    "name": "Rundown Player",
    "format": {
        "sampleRate": ...,
        "numberOfChannels": ...
    "rundown": [
        "fileId": "...",
        "fileSource": "<path>",
        "title": "..."
        "startTime": "<absolute time (UTC)>",
        "startOffset": "<relative time>",
        "stopOffset": "<relative time>",
        "fadePoints": [
            "time": "<relative time>",
            "gain": ...
        { ... }
   { ... }




Describes the audio format, which is delivered by the filter.

  • sampleRate: Sampling rate in Hz. It is recommended to use the same sampling that is configured for the job’s output graph.

  • numberOfChannels: The field is optional, with a default value of 2.


This is the initial rundown for the filter, and can also be empty. Usually, the rundown will be updated during the job’s runtime.

If specified, the rundown must be an array of file playout specifiers, q.v. below.

Fields of File Playout Specifier




A unique (for this job) ID of the file.


The full path to the audio file.


The title of the file, displayed in some log messages. The parameter is optional.


The absolute time (in UTC), when the playout of this file starts. Format is “YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss” or “hh:mm:ss.sss” (using the current date, when the job is running). The millisecond part can be omitted.


An offset into the file, which defines the beginning of the part of the file, which is played back. Format is “hh:mm:ss.sss”. The parameter is optional - if not specified, the file is played from the beginning.


An offset into the file, which defines the end of the part of the file, which is played back. Format is “hh:mm:ss.sss”. The parameter is optional - if not specified, the file is played until its end.


An array of points with time stamps (relative to the start offset) and gain values (between 0.0 and 1.0) to define a fading of the playback.

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