Streaming Configurator
The ROAD Streaming Configurator is a Windows application for testing stream inputs to the ROAD engine. It can be used to get the correct parameters for the template of ROAD Job templates.
- ROAD Streaming Configurator uses the DAVID FFmpeg Source filter, which is installed with the ROAD backend package.
- Copy the StreamingConfgurator.exe to your hard disk (recommended into the "Program Files\ROAD" directory ).
- Start ROAD Streaming Configurator by double-clicking or using a desktop shortcut.
- Choose a Source Filter. DAVID FFmpeg Source is recommended.
- Choose an URL. This may be any URL supported by FFmpeg. You can find more information of the supported protocols at FFmpeg Protocols Documentation.
- Click the Analyze button
- Now the Program combobox, Video Streams and Audio streams listboxes are filled with the streams found.
- Select the desired stream.
- Click Play button to playback the stream
ROAD config
- In the top right edit field, the configuration required for the ROAD Jobs can be copied to the clipboard.
- Paste the configuration in the respecitve section of the schedule or job template.
- in the lower right part of the window, log messages are written, as well as into a file.
- In case of an error click on Open Log File and look for error entries.
- If the error message is not clear contact the DAVID support.