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WAVDest Filter Specification

WAVDest Filter Specification

The WAVDest (WAVE Destination) filter is used in an output graph, immediately before a FileWriter or DPE Writer filter. It formats the output stream as a WAVE/BWF file.

JSON Structure
    "name": "WAVDest",
    "title": "...",
    "originator": "...",
    "originatorRef": {
        "countryCode": "xx",
        "organizationCode": "xxx",
        "serialNumber": "..."
    "writeRF64": true/false,
    "writeLevlChunk": true/false,
    "channelConfiguration": "...",
    "overlapOnSwitch": ...
    "createMpeg": {
        "bitRate": "...",
        "jointStereo": "..."




This string is written to the Description field of the BWF file's metadata. The field is optional, default is an empty string.

The usage of placeholders is supported for this field (e.g. "title": "Recording ${StartTime|HH:mm:ss.fff}").

Note: If the title is empty, no BWF metadata header (i.e., a “bext” chunk in the WAV file) will be created, and the fields “originator” and “originatorRef” are ignored!


This string is written to the Originator field of the BWF file’s metadata. The field is optional, default value is "ROAD" .


This optional object can defined to set the non-automatic parts of the OriginatorReference field of the BWF file’s metadata.

  • countryCode: ISO 3166-1 2-letter code of the country of origin. The field is optional, default is the country code of the host computer's system locale.

  • organizationCode: 3-letter code of the organization, which created the file. The field is optional, default is "NNN".

  • serialNumber: Up to 12 alpha-numeric characters to designate the device, which made the recording. The field is optional, default is the host computer name.


Either true or false. If true, the target file is written in a way, that the format will switch to RF64 on the fly, as soon as the file size exceeds 4GB. The field is optional, default is true.


Either true or false. If true, BWF metadata containing the waveform is written to the file. The field is optional, default is true.


This field is optional. If present, the WAVE file header will be formatted as a "WAVE Extended" header with a "channel mask" field indicating the file's channel configuration.

Supported values are: "Mono", "Stereo", "5.0", "5.1", "7.1", "5.0+Stereo", "5.1+Stereo", "7.1+Stereo".

If the number of audio channels in the graph doesn't match the number of channels needed for the given configuration (e.g. 8 channels for "5.1+Stereo"), the job will abort with an error.


A time in milliseconds, which specifies an "overlap" in the audio between two adjacent database entries in case of output switches. The field is optional, default is 0 (i.e. no overlap).


This object is optional. If it is present, the audio content of the WAVE file will be encoded as MPEG Layer 2.

  • bitRate: Bit rate in kbit/s. Valid values are 192, 160, 128, 112, 96, 80, 64, 56, 48, 32  for mono, and 384, 320, 256, 224, 192, 160, 128, 112, 96, 64 for stereo. The field is optional, default is 192.

  • jointStereo: Either true or false. If true,  and you have a stereo encoding, the encoder will use "Joint Stereo" mode. The field is optional, default is false.


  • MPEG encoding is only possible, if the output graph has not more than 2 channels, and its sample rate is valid for MPEG Layer 2 (32000, 44100 or 48000).

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