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ASIO Renderer Filter Specification

The ASIO renderer filter can only be used as the last filter in an output graph. It outputs the audio data to the specified ASIO device.

JSON Structure

	"name": "ASIO Renderer",
	"device": {
		"name": "...",
		"channels": "..."
	"format": {
		"sampleRate": "...",
		"resolution": "..."

Defines the ASIO device and channels to use.

  • name: Name of the device as defined by the device's driver. It is sufficient to specify only a part of this string in the name field, as long as it is unique to the device.
  • channels: A comma-separated list of channel numbers (0-based). E.g., "0,1" will play two channels on the 1st and 2nd output channel of the device.

Describes the audio format, which is to be written to the device.

  • sampleRate: Sampling rate in Hz. The supported values depend on the device. Most devices support at least 44100 and 48000 Hz.
  • resolution: Bit width of a single audio sample. The supported values depend on the device. Most devices support 16 and 24 bit audio.


  • The "name" of a given ASIO device is not always obvious. ROAD's devices API can enumerate the names of all installed ASIO devices, as well as the number of channels they offer.
  • There is no need to specify a channel count in the "format" data, because this is implicitly defined by the number of entries in the "channels" list of the device specification.
  • The specified format should usually match the format specified for the output graph. Otherwise, ROAD might try to insert automatic conversion of sampling rate and/or resolution, but this could fail. Also, the number of channels in the device specification's channel list must match the number of channels given in the graph's format.

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