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To install TurboPlayer Service, follow these steps:

  1. Create a folder where you want to install the software, and copy all files from the installation package into it. If you already have a folder with DigaSystem modules, you can use it, but it's not required.

  2. In the same folder, copy the file TurboPlayerServiceLicense.dll. If you don't have this file, the service will still start, but only a limited number of commands will work.

  3. The service needs to connect to a running TurboPlayer instance, which can be a full installation or just the engine. You must have a running TurboPlayer installation to start and use the service.

  4. It is required to complete the Configuration in your Digasystem Registry.

  5. Be sure to create the files appsettings.json and log4net.config in your TurboPlayer Service directory. Details for configuring these files can be found within the Configuration page.

  6. The service is built with .NET 6 Core Runtime and .NET 6 Runtime, and requires the corresponding .NET 6 Core Runtime and .NET 6 Runtime to be installed on your computer. If you don't have it, you can download it from Microsoft at It is possible that your Windows operating system already has the .NET 6 Core Runtime and .NET 6 Runtime installed, in which case you don't need to install it again.

  7. Next, we recommend you Host TurboPlayer Service in a Windows Service.

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