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This guide contains detailed guidelines for installing and configuring the TurboPlayer Service.

The TurboPlayer Service is a tool that allows applications to access all the features of the TurboPlayer Engine in real-time, using an easy-to-understand format that even novice programmers and users of the DigaSystem can use. The service can be accessed from any platform that supports WebSocket, including web browsers.

This service facilitates the linking and synchronization of the TurboPlayer Engine with any external or personalized software. This linkage enables these systems to respond to any updates or modifications from the TurboPlayer Engine.
The integrator has full control over the customization of the behavior of the TurboPlayer Engine in response to any changes. It allows users to integrate the TurboPlayer Engine features into external workflows or customize them without having to use the TurboPlayer GUI.
For example, it could be used to create a simple player with a progress bar, with current and remaining times, without having to use the heavy and complex TurboPlayer GUI. This can even be done in a web browser to allow remote users to access it.
Another example would be to create a custom playout interface, to control playout or a simple control to enable/disable any TurboPlayer Engine features.
One potential use case could involve the integration of TurboPlayer with third-party solutions, specifically within a Visual Radio scenario, leveraging the capabilities of both systems for an enhanced overall experience.

To utilize the TurboPlayer Service, proficiency in WebSocket connection establishment, message transmission, and reception is required. Additionally, familiarity with JSON format is necessary since the service employs it for client communication. It is assumed that the integrator possesses an understanding of metadata names from DAVID's BCS (Broadcast Server) System, if required in their integration scenario.

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