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Pre-installation requirements

The following prerequisites are not installed by the TurboPlayer Service Setup. It is recommended to have the pre-installation requirements installed before running the TurboPlayer Service Setup.

DigaSystem base installation

DigaSystem base installation has to be present on the computer where TurboPlayer Service is installed.

TurboPlayer Engine

TurboPlayer Service requires access to a running TurboPlayer Engine. TurboPlayer Engine and TurboPlayer service can be installed on different computers.

DPE Services

DPE Services must be installed before running the TPS Setup. TurboPlayer Service requires access to DPE Parameter Service, DPE Rights Service and optionally the DPE Log Service.


The communication between a client and the TurboPlayer Service can and should be encrypted and secured by using secure protocols WebSocket Secure (wss) and HTTP Secure (https). In order to use secure protocols a valid SSL certificate has to be installed in LocalMachine/My section of the Windows Certificate store.


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