Configuring WebDigAIRange
First adjustments: settings.json
If you have created a settings.json file already, you can customize it according to this documentation. Otherwise refer to Copying Templates.
Step 1: Program Configuration
First, set the program parameter to enable login and access to the Calendar feature. Modify the settings.json file as follows:
"program": "Template Program"
This step is crucial for initial access and should be completed with the exact program name intended for use.
Step 2: Adjust all URL parameters according to your BcsService configuration:
"service": "ws://bcs-service:8085/", "restService": "http://bcs-service:8081/bcs/", "audioURL": "http://bcs-service:8081/bcs/AudioFile?Id=%@", "audioStreamURL": "http://bcs-service:8081/bcs/PrelistenFile?Id=%@", "waveformURL": "http://bcs-service:8081/bcs/WaveFormFile?Id=%@",
Step 3: Login with a DigaSystem user.
You are now ready to use WebDigAIRange!
You can customize it further looking at the following section and pages.