Hardware Specific Configuration
This chapter refers only to editors in the DigaSystem and has no meaning for standalone editors.
In contrast to earlier editor versions hardware specific parameters are no longer read out in the order User -> Local Settings -> Global Settings or in the order set by the parameter …|xxxtrack|Flags|DefaultLocationPriority.
Affected Parameters
This special regulation applies to these parameters:
Parameter Query at Startup
Hardware specific parameters are first read out of the local settings. When they don’t exist, they are read out of the user registry or the default value is used.
When the user has writing rights in the local settings, the parameters, which don’t exist, are newly created there.
When the user has no writing rights in the local settings, the parameters, which exist neither in the local settings nor in the user registry, are written to the user registry.
Writing Access at Closing
Changed parameters are written into the local settings, when writing rights are granted. When these rights are missing, the parameters are written to the user registry.