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Using multiple configurations

BcsService can be installed as multiple Windows service instances with separated configuration for every instance. E.g. Service 1 with configuration1, Service2 with configuration2 etc. Configuration specified for servcie instance will be used automatically at service start. Any services can be separated started and stopped. If configuration with specified name isn't found than service will be stopped and error will be logged in Windows Application log.

To use multiple configuration make followed the steps:


Requested configuration

Windows Service nameConfiguration name



Requested steps

  • Create configurations BCS0, BCS1 and BCSRegional. See Configuration for details
  • Install BcsService as WIndows service Instance0 with configuration name BCS0 via followed command line (any optional parameters are possible See Install & Configure & Uninstall Windows service for details)
    BcsService /i:Instance0 /configuration:BCS0
  • Install BcsService as WIndows service ExternalBCS with configuration name BCS1 via followed command line (any optional parameters are possible See Install & Configure & Uninstall Windows service for details)
    BcsService /i:ExternalBCS /configuration:BCS1
  • Install BcsService as WIndows service RegionalBCS with configuration name BCS1 via followed command line (any optional parameters are possible See Install & Configure & Uninstall Windows service for details)
    BcsService /i:RegionalBCS /configuration:BCSRegional
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