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  1. Start installer and choose destination directory
  2. Configure installed service in Windows Service Manager (start type, logon etc)
  3. Edit the parameter file BcsSearchService.par See details for parameters description
  4. If you run the windows service under a non-system account register the urlacl’s (see below). Otherwise the webservers can’t start. Per default windows doesn't allow a normal user to open an http-listen port.
  5. Start the service via Windows Service Manager
  6. If the service won’t start check the log files for the reason.

Register the urlacl’s

       If the service runs under a non-Local Administrator

  • Open command line under Admin account
  • Enter the following line (just adjust port from parameter file and domain/user)
    • netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:9081/ user=Domain\User
    • You need to Enter a definition for WebService-Port and WebSocket-Port


Service supports HTTP, HTTPS, WS and WSS separately in any combination

  • Open CMD under Admin account

  • Enter the following line (just adjust port from parameter file and domain/user)

    • netsh http add urlacl url=https://+:9071/ user=Domain\user

    • netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash=HASH appid={GUID}


  • HASH = certificate->details->fingerprint in SSL server certificate

  • Copy this value into any text editor and delete spaces

    • Example

      df 25 04 00 67 c7 14 e1 de 83 57 4f 3e 95 3a 82 20 c8 8d fc

      should be converted to

  • appid = GUID of BCSSearchService use



  1. Start installer and choose destination directory
  2. Check documentation for about new configuration parameters
  3. Copy & configure parameters in BcsSearchService.par


  1. Uninstall application via standard Windows uninstall dialog
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