Deploy CAE using Docker
Precondition: a Linux machine having docker installed
Pull Docker image from our docker registry
docker login --username MyCredentials --password MyPassword
docker pull
As an alternative you could also import a docker image from a file we provide.
docker import cae.tar.gzip
Remove previously running container (optionally)
docker stop cae
docker rm cae
Run container with CAE
docker run -d --name cae -p 8888:80
The CAE container is exposed on port 8888 for HTTP.
To handle HTTPS we recommend to run it behind a reverse-proxy that is doing SSL-offloading.
Adapt Settings Manually
Currently there are two options to adapt the settings files in the container
Edit the settings directly in the container
CODEdocker exec -it cae /bin/sh apk add nano nano /user/share/nginx/html/assets/settings.json
Overwrite the settings files using the docker cp command
CODEdocker cp ./mySettings.json cae:/usr/share/nginx/html/assets/settings.json
See Adapt Settings
Automatically Copying Settings Files From Host At Container Startup
(1) Create a docker volume
docker volume create caeVol
This creates a docker volume named caeVol which is mapped to folder /var/lib/docker/volumes/caeVol/_data.
(2) Copy your setting files to the volume on the host
- settings.json
(3) Mount the volume when starting a container instance
docker run -d --name cae -p:8888:80 -v caeVol:/data
This uses the volume and maps it to /data inside the container.
The container checks for settings files on startup and uses them to overwrite the ones delivered with the docker image.