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Load and Import files and projects into CAE

There are several ways to load and import files and projects into CAE.

In addition you see your loaded project in CAE above the Text view area.

Here is an Overview about Importing and loading:

Importing Audio Files

Via drag drop from Content Manager

Doing this you see red lines in CAE to reach the drop target.

Via Content Manager Plugin

It is also possible to Import one or more audio entries via a plugin from Content Manager. Please see Plugin configuration in Content Manager.

Via Drag and Drop from File System

Load a local audio file  from file system by dragging it onto text area or timeline.

Via Menu from File System

Clicking "Import Audio" in the top menu File drop down will open a window to choose audio from file system.

Loading Projects

via drag drop from Content Manager

Drag a CAE project from Content Manager and drop it onto CAE.

Via Content Manager Plugin

It is also possible to load a CAE project via a plugin from Content Manager. Please see Plugin configuration in Content Manager.

Via Menu from File System

Clicking "Open Project" in the top menu File drop down will open a window to choose project from file system.

Via Drag and Drop from file system

Load a Project from file system by dragging it onto text area or timeline.

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