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Welcome to the Contextual Audio Editor recommendation section. This part of the documentation contains technical details and requirements for a fluid Contextual Audio Editing experience. 

CAE v1.0.34


Generally we support latest Browser version due to the fact of automated Updates

We tested with:

  • Chrome: 117.0.5938.149

  • Firefox: 118.0.1 (64-bit)

  • Edge: 117.0.2045.60 (Official build) (64-bit)

  • Safari: 17.0

Operating systems

Mac: OS 14

Windows: Windows 10 and 11

SpeechToText Provider

  • Whisper

  • Speechmatics

  • and many more

Breaking change since CAE version 1.0.x for Speechmatics v2

(warning) Speechmatics v2 URL has to include /v2 suffix in settings.json / configuration dialog.

CAE Version 0.8.x: without /v2 e.g.

CAE Version 1.0.x: include /v2 e.g.

Mobile work

with/and Touch devices not yet fully supported

Working offline (Supported browser)

Offline usage requires at least support for service workers in your browser and operating system, see Service Workers.

Additional features like installation to your home screen requires full support of Progressive Web Applications (PWA).

Rendering/Audio conversion

  • linear rendering of Timeline

  • no audio conversion implemented yet

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.