Acronyms and Abbreviations
David Systems Common Abbreviations
Please search (Ctrl + F, Command + F) an abbreviation if you are unsure of its meaning. If the abbreviation is not included in the table below, please google the term. If it's still not possible to find the term, please contact our support.
Abbreviation | Long name + Meaning |
AAC | AdvancedAudioCoding, an audio coding standard for lossy digital audio compression. Designed to be the successor of the MP3 format |
AES67 | Audio Engineering Society (standard #67), a technology standard for AoIP (Audio over IP) interoperability, developed by the Audio Engineering Society |
API | Application Programming Interface |
BCS | BroadCast Server, a DAVID product hosting scheduling and play-out real-time database. Seldom also used as abbreviation for the entire BroadCast server System |
BUS | Broadcast Utility Server, Part of the broadcast system - Executes automatic schedule integration tasks (e.g. FlexIE - flexible in/export) |
CART | CARTridge, a feature of TurboPlayer to insert jingles, bumpers, stingers, station IDs and so on (like endless audio tapes in the past) |
Cart Wall | A Cart Wall was a box whare all CARTs have been stored, all CARTS had at the back a color code, signalizing the type of format element and texts to describe the content (metadata). This collection of CARTs is now realized in software and visualization of types has been kept. |
CDN | Content Delivery Network, a globally distributed network of proxy servers to serve content to end-users with high availability and high performance |
CFM | CrossFade Mixer, predecessor of OnAIR TrackMixer |
CM | Content Manager, a DAVID product used for accessing DigaSystem content |
CR | Change Request |
CxG | Customer Experience Group, is DAVID Systems team for product management, support and customer care, projects, consulting, training |
DAB | Digital Audio Broadcasting |
DAB+ | Digital Audio Broadcasting+, successor of DAB |
DBM | Database Manager, a DAVID product used for accessing DigaSystem content |
DBX | DataBase eXtension, a xml file format used by DAVID database applications, serves as entry backup. Successor to DBE |
DigaCare | DigaCare is the support contract for DigaSystem support and maintenance including entitlement to software updates |
DIP | DAVID Integration Platform |
DPE | DAVID Platform Evolution, the evolution from desktop applications towards a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) with state of the art REST Services and Web Applications. |
d-Studio (CareFeed) | d-Studio is developed during the pandemic to provide a studio experience for all Radio people working remotely, while focusing on maintaining high audio quality standards and ease of use – can be hosted on premise or in the cloud. |
DSN | Data Source Name, used for describing connections to database servers |
EBU | European Broadcasting Union |
EPM | Endpoint Manager, a DAVID solution for integrating 3rd party applications, like Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere Pro into DigaSystem. |
ETE | EasyTrack Editor, a DAVID 3 track Audio Editor |
ETS | EasyTrack Screen, a GUI element of DAVID Audio Editor (ETE) |
FCP | Final Cut Pro, a Video Editor from Apple |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol |
GPIO | General Purpose Input Output, interface between a physical switch and computer processor |
HiRes | High Resolution, optimal quality audio or video resolution |
IPv4 / IPv6 | Internet Protocol Version 4/6, a communication protocol that routes traffic across the internet. IPv6 is successor of IPv4 |
Kit@Home | StandAlone applications to produce and integrate elements in you radio for external operations |
LoRes | Low Resolution, reduced quality audio or video resolution (usually) for the purpose of reduced file size |
LTO | Linear Tape Open, magnetic tape data storage technology, open standard, especially used for backup |
LVC | Loudness Visualization Controls, a DAVID component for visualizing loudness |
MCL | MediaComponent Library, a DAVID product |
MOS | Media Object Server Communications Protocol, a protocol for communications between Newsroom Computer Systems and Media Object Servers |
MPEG | Motion Picture Engineers Group, a society for specifying and standardizing audio and video formats |
MTE | MultiTrack Editor, a DAVID product for editing audio entries, with infinite tracks |
MTS | MultiTrack Screen, a GUI element of DAVID Audio Editor (MTE) |
MXF | MaterialeXchangeFormat, an open broadcasting file format for videophiles |
NRCS | NewsRoom Computer System |
OS | Operating System |
OTM | OnAIR TrackMixer, a DAVID plugin für TurboPlayer, DigAIRange |
PCL | Process Control Language, used for I/O Relais cards |
PCL COM Server | Process Control Language Communication Server, a DAVID product, predecessor of PCL Service |
PCL Service | Process Control Language Service, a DAVID product, successor of PCL COM Server, switch signal interface |
PFL | Pre-Fader Listen or Pre-Fader Listening, listen allows one to listen through headphones what the pre-faded part sounds like, while the studio loudspeaker is being used to monitor the rest of the program |
POC | PlayOutCenter, a central function unit of digital tv |
RCE | RoughCut Edit, a DAVID product for rough cut video editing within a web browser |
R&D | Research and Development |
RDP | Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol, provides remote display and input capabilities over network connections for Windows-based applications running on a server |
RMS | Record Mode Screen, a GUI element of DAVID Audio Editors (MTE, ETE and STE) or Root Mean Square, a waveform function value for decibels |
ROAD | Realtime Online Audio Distribution, a DAVID product - Enterprise Multichannel Recording and Playback Service, with AoIP inputs/outputs and automatic ingest capabilities |
RWW | Read While Write |
SAF | Stateful Automation Framework, a DAVID software component for executing, configuring and monitoring automation modules. |
SCE | SubClip Editor, a DAVID product for graphical editing of subclip meta data |
SDN | Streaming Delivery Network, a network of servers to deliver streaming media data to end-users |
SOA | Service Oriented Architecture |
SOW | Statement of Work, a document created by presales |
SQL | Structured Query Language, relational database language to define, edit and retrieve data |
STE | SingleTrack Editor, a DAVID Audio Editor |
STS | SingleTrack Screen, a GUI element from DAVID Audio Editors (MTE, ETE and STE) |
TP | TurboPlayer, a DAVID product. Playout Automation System |
TP Service | TurboPlayer Web Service, a DAVID product. Set of Web Services for real-time playout and scheduling control |
UI | User Interface |
UX | User Experience |
VM | Virtual Machine |
VST | Virtual Studio Technology, plugin applications for audio editors, usually effects processing |
Web TP | Web TurboPlayer – Responsive UI HTML5 playout automation client (can run on Mobiles) |
WF-System | Workflow System, executes and manages editable technical workflows with the help of audio- and utility processors |
XML | eXtensible Markup Language, a machine-readable language used to describe hierarchically structured data in text form |