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Help Menu Configuration in Admin

The User Menu in top right corner provide a Help (?) drop-down section which has some pre-configured list of options that assist users with usage and configuration of our product. The list however, can also be extended with custom links added on top of pre-configured list.

  1. Create a new Folder Admin|Help|[new Link title]

  2. Add Keys from the list below; the link will start appearing the Help drop-down section in the Admin.





Used to set the order of entries in the Help drop-down section.

A low value means higher precedence order.

It takes 100 as default.



Specifies the link (url target) to an entry in the Help drop-down section.

This field is mandatory otherwise link won't show.


Label for the link in the Help drop-down section.

This field is mandatory otherwise link won't show.

DAVID Sytems

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