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Add a Key to Parameters

A Parameter is composed of one or more individual setting components known as "Keys".

There are two options for adding a new key.

You can either click on "ADD KEY" button or use "ADD" button inside "Proposals" (shown only when you select a Folder/Key).

Key names are not case sensitive; duplicate names like "key" and KeY" are not allowed in the same folder.

Add manually a new key

  1. Select the target folder

  2. Clicking "+ ADD KEY" button will open a form for entering key and value

  3. Provide Key Name and select  Value in the popping up dialog. Ensure that you choose the right Type [String, Integer, Binary].

  4. Press Save

Save encrypted string value for a key

  1. Select the target folder

  2. Clicking "+ ADD KEY" button will open a form for entering key and value

  3. Provide key name and choose "Encrypt" from the mode drop down.

  4. Select the encryption method; currently only BCS is available.

  5. Enter your string value; the value will be displayed as stars.

  6. Press Save

Add key from proposals

  1. Select the target folder

  2. Proposals list at the right side list all folders and keys which are specified for the selected folder.

  3. Clicking "+ ADD" button above Proposals will generate the Key with its default value which you can later edit using "Edit" button.


Help and Proposals

Help and Proposals assist users in the usage/creation of Keys and Folders.

Selecting minValueFilter in Parameter Tree shows DisplayIndex , FilterXml and OrderBy Keys as Proposals which could be defined as Filter Parameters. On selecting a Key from Proposals an information about the same is displayed in Help stating what that Key does and where it is used.

Proposals are always displayed for the folder that is currently open and not for the one that is selected in Parameters Grid.

Note: Not all Folders/Keys will have Proposals and Help support, this feature is available only for standard parameters.

Depending on the current directory, a Proposal can propose either Folders, Keys or both.

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