Configuring Analytics
Default configuration
By default the following visualizations are configured:
Category “Logs”
Log item count for a day grouped by log level
Log item count/hour for a day grouped by log level
Category “Workflows”
Workflow instance count for a day grouped by state
Worfklow instance count/hour for a day grouped by state
Workflow instance count/hour for a day grouped by workflow type
Workflow instance count for a day grouped by workflow type
Start delay of PreProductionAudio (in milliseconds)
Category “ContentService Deadlocks”
ContentService deadlock retries/hour for a day
ContentService deadlocks grouped by source
Customizing the configuration
Analytics is configured in the parameter folder Admin|Analytics.
Each sub folder below defines a category name, e.g. “LogsHroup”, “WorkflowsGroup”.

A single visualization is configured in a folder Admin|Analytics|MyCategory|Charts|MyVisualization.

LogLevels: Log item count for a day grouped by log level

"type": "queryHistogramGroupByToCtrl",
"service": "LoggingServiceProxy",
"mode": "groupby",
"chartType": "doughnut",
"phrase": "Created:${day}",
"field": "Level",
"headline": "@Logs ${day}",
"colorMapperCallback": "LogLevels",
"style": "width:14%; min-width:100px;"
LogLevelsByHour: Log item count/hour for a day grouped by log level

"type": "queryHistogramsToCtrl",
"service": "LoggingServiceProxy",
"mode": "day",
"phrase": [
"Created:${day} +Level:D",
"Created:${day} +Level:E",
"Created:${day} +Level:I",
"Created:${day} +Level:W"
"name": [
"field": "Created",
"colorMapperCallback": "LogLevels",
"headline": "@Logs "
WorkflowStates: Workflow instance count for a day grouped by state

"type": "queryHistogramGroupByToCtrl",
"service": "WorkflowServiceProxy",
"mode": "groupby",
"chartType": "doughnut",
"phrase": "Created:${day}",
"field": "State",
"headline": "@Workflows ${day}",
"colorMapperCallback": "WfStates",
"labelAdapter": "WfStates",
"style": "width:14%; min-width:100px;"
WorkflowStatesByHour: Worfklow instance count/hour for a day grouped by state

"type": "queryHistogramsToCtrl",
"service": "WorkflowServiceProxy",
"mode": "day",
"phrase": [
"Created:${day} +State:Scheduled",
"Created:${day} +State:Failed",
"Created:${day} +State:Finished",
"Created:${day} +State:Cancelled",
"Created:${day} +State:Started"
"name": [
"field": "Created",
"_slotsize": 900,
"colorMapperCallback": "WfStates",
"headline": "Workflows "
WorkflowsByHour: Workflow instance count/hour for a day grouped by workflow type

"type": "queryHistogramToCtrl",
"service": "WorkflowServiceProxy",
"mode": "day",
"phrase": "Created:${day}",
"field": "Created",
"headline": "@Workflows ${day} "
WorkflowTypesByHour_TopN: Workflow instance count/hour for a day grouped by workflow type (only show top N)

"type": "queryTopHistogramsToCtrl",
"service": "WorkflowServiceProxy",
"mode": "day",
"phrase": "Created:${day}",
"field": "Created",
"topField": "WorkflowType",
"topCount": 7,
"headline": "Workflows "
WorkflowsByType: Workflow instance count for a day grouped by workflow type

"type": "queryHistogramGroupByToCtrl_Callbacks",
"service": "WorkflowServiceProxy",
"mode": "groupby",
"phrase": "Created:${day}",
"field": "WorkflowType",
"headline": "@Workflows by Type",
"colorMapperCallback": ["rgba(153, 102, 255, 0.2)", "rgb(153, 102, 255)"],
"_1configCallback": "indexAxis=y|scales.x.type=logarithmic",
"_2configCallback": "scales.y.type=logarithmic",
"configCallback": "indexAxis=y",
"style": "width:50%"
WorkflowsStartDelay_PreProductionAudio: Start delay of PreProductionAudio

"type": "queryHistogramGroupByToCtrl",
"service": "WorkflowServiceProxy",
"mode": "groupby",
"phrase": "Created:${day} +State:Finished +WorkflowType:PreProductionAudio",
"field": "DATEDIFF(MS,Created,Started)",
"headline": "@Start delay of PreProductionAudio (in milliseconds)",
"dataAdapter": "compress",
"style": "width:50%"
JSON Config Description
Name | Description |
service | Specifies the service to query for data
type | Specifies the algorithm how the data is processed for visualization
mode |
slotsize | Only used in mode “day”, specifies the granularity, default: 3600 (= 1hour) |
phrase | Parameterized search phrase or array of search phrases Example:
field | Selected data field name (or query) for visualization Example (for mode groupby): Example (for mode day): Example: |
chartType | Only used for mode “groupby”
headline | Optionally show a headline Example: |
style | Apply styling to visualization widget Example: |