Licenses control the features available in a DPE installation.

The column Status of a license informs about the availability of a license:
License is available
License is not available
License is technically available, but you should contact DAVID Systems to renew it
The background color in the columns Expires and Valid until is red when the current date is beyond the displayed date and orange when the displayed date is reached within one week.
A license may be limited to an expiration date. The expiration date is displayed in the column Expires. The functionality connected to the license will not be available beyond the expiration date.
Valid Until
A license may be marked with a valid-until-date. The valid-until-date is displayed in the column Valid until. The functionality connected to the license will be available beyond this date. If your license is not valid anymore you should contact DAVID Systems to renew your license.
The column Quota shows license quota information stored optionally for a license. The quota does not enforce any technical usage restriction.
A ContentManager license quota of 100 users means the customer has bought the ContentManager license for 100 users.
An AudioFileConverter license quota of 20 jobs means the customer has bought the AudioFileConverter license for 50 concurrent conversions.
Related Rights and Config
The column "Related Rights and Config" shows usage information related to the license quota.
For the license ContentManager it shows that 95 users have (directly or indirectly inherited through group membership) the action right DpeContentManager.Open.
For the license AudioFileConverter it shows that AudioProcessors (that are online) have a total configured quota of 20 concurrent AudioFileConverter jobs.
To easily find out which users have a related action right the cell text is linked to a search in Users and Groups:

To easily find out which processor modules have a job quota contributing the cell text is linked to a search in SAF Monitor:

The column Comment shows an optional comment stored together with a license.
Click Export to export (=download) license information to a humand-readable JSON-formatted file.
"Customer": "DAVID Internal",
"Licenses": [
"Name": "ADSync"
"Name": "AnotherTestLic1",
"Expires": "2020-01-31"
"Name": "AnotherTestLic2",
"Expires": "2017-12-31"
"Name": "AnotherTestLic3",
"Expires": "2020-12-31",
"ValidUntil": "2017-12-31"
"Name": "AnotherTestLic4",
"ValidUntil": "2017-12-31"
"Name": "AnotherTestLic5",
"Comment": "Just a test",
"ValidUntil": "2021-12-31"
"Name": "AnotherTestLic6",
"Expires": "2018-06-30"
"Name": "AudioConversionService"
"Name": "AudioFileAnalyzer",
"Usage": "40 jobs"
"Name": "AudioFileConverter",
"QuotaSummary": "50 jobs",
"Usage": "20 jobs"
"Name": "AudioProcessorVst3"
"Name": "AudioProjectRenderer",
"Usage": "10 jobs"
"Name": "AudioSpeechToText"
"Name": "AudioWaveformCreator",
"Usage": "20 jobs"
"Name": "ContentManager",
"QuotaSummary": "100 users",
"Usage": "95 users"