What is new
Version 3.1
Managing SAF Servers and Modules from SAF Monitor has heavily improved
Configuring complex SAF Modules like WorkflowTableWatcher and WorkflowScheduler
Adding and removing new SAF modules
Exporting and importing module config
Restarting SAF Servers
Note: some of these features require Workflow System 3.x components
Note: licenses were simplified, e.g. a “WorfklowSystem” license is replacing a lot of other licenses
Bulk paste parameter items from clipboard to many PAR files with optionally deleting existing folders before

Search in Parameter help proposals

Version 3.0
Independent deployment and maintenance
Starting with version 3.x, DPE Admin is an independent, standalone web application that can be hosted in any web server and on any platform
DPE Admin can be updated and maintained independently from the service backend
We provide a DPE Admin docker image for easy, containerized deployment
DPE Admin is not part of the DPE setup anymore, which previously installed web frontends and web services as one monolithic application inside Microsoft IIS
Integrated Analytics Dashboard
View statistical real-time diagrams for logs and workflows
Managing DigaSystem tables
Viewing, adding and deleting tables (similiar to ADMIN.exe table wizard)