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Shortcut configuration for CM

Content Manager functionality relies largely on a proficient use of the available keyboard and mouse shortcuts. To extend the Content Manager functionality even further, the shortcuts can be adapted to fit a specific user or workstation setup.

Configuring a Standard Shortcut:

  1. Create the folder |...|ContentManager|Shortcuts|

  2. Create a key named [Shortcut name] with the value of the desired key (e.g. Play=p)

For all available shortcuts, their name, and their default values see Using Keyboard Shortcuts for allowed values see Configuring keyboard shortcuts .

Two different events cannot be triggered simultaneously by the same keyboard shortcut.

Configuring a Menu Item Shortcut

  1. Create the folder |...|ContentManager|Shortcuts|

  2. Create a key named Menu.[MenuItemFolderPath] where MenuItemFolderPath is the target menu item.

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