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Speech-to-text Component

Visual representation of audio content in text format facilitates understanding and clarity. Content Manager now provides a built-in interactive component to visualize the transcribed text of an audio entry. The speech-to-text component can be configured in the details pane, and works seamlessly with the audio player. This component provides the following main features:

  • Improved Audio-Text Synchronization:

    • The text component provides a synchronized view of the transcription and the audio. As audio goes through, the corresponding text location gets highlighted, making it easier to follow along.

    • When the user sets the cursor to a specific word in the text, the audio playback head automatically moves to the corresponding point in the audio. This feature allows users to quickly navigate to a specific section of the audio by interacting with the text.

  • Copy Text Functionality: Users can copy selected text from the transcription for easy sharing or referencing. This feature enhances user interaction and makes it easy to extract information from the transcript.

  • Speaker detection: The speakers of the audio, that are found in the transcription, are marked in the component by their corresponding column

To configure a s2t-area component to details pane, please visit Adding Speech-to-text component.

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