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Database/Table Configuration

Change the following parameters in the DigaSystem Administrator to customize basic functions in the Content Manager and enable features with the available licenses.  See Notation in the Learn and Explore section to understand the parameter notation.

Database/Table related configuration

Following configuration settings are applied on Database/Table level and are valid for Database Manager and used also from Content Manager.



Auto Refresh

An auto refresh can be defined for every database by setting the key ...|Digas|Database|[dsn]|UpdateTime. 

The value 0 deactivates the function. Furthermore, the refresh interval cannot be under 2000 ms, every value below 2000 is replaced by 2000.

Maximum Number of Displayed entries

Set the key ...|Digas|Database|[dsn]|[table]|MaxResults to define the number of displayed entries.

Table Color

Set the key ...|Digas|Database|[dsn]|[table]|TableColor to define a color for tables. Tables with a lower color number are displayed before tables with higher (or no color) number. Tables with the same color are ordered alphabetically. If no color then a transparent color is applied and table gets ordered at last if ascending sorting applied to the color column.
The default table colors can be overwritten using the UI theming.

Table Order

Set the key ...|Digas|Database|[dsn]|[table]|Order to define an order for tables. Tables with a lower order are displayed before tables with higher (or no order). Tables with the same order are ordered alphabetically.

Table Groups

Assign each table to one or more table groups by specifying list of table group names in key ...|Digas|Database|[dsn]|[table]|MemberInGroups=[Table Group Name1],[Table Group Name2],... .

Be aware to set also the respective application-specific key (see below).

Full-text search

Determines whether Full-text search is available in a table or database. Per default, it is not.

Full-text search is realized via Elasticsearch which is a based on the Lucene library.

To enable Full-text search: Create a key ...|Digas|Database|[dsn]|Elasticsearch=True (for the entire databases) or in ...|Digas|Database|[dsn]|[Table]|Elasticsearch=True (for a dedicated table).

Be aware when having a mixed system with DigaSQL.dll and DPE Services based endpoints, that all DigaSQL.dll based endpoints properly configured for Elasticsearch based full-text index.


Determines if Full-text search should be used as a default search mode in CM when searching content in Digas database.

To configure Full-text search as default search mode: Create a key ...|Digas|Database|[dsn]|ElasticsearchAsDefault=True (for the entire databases) or in ...|Digas|Database|[dsn]|[Table]|ElasticsearchAsDEfault=True (for a dedicated table).

The property will only work for tables that have Full-text search configured/enabled.


Set ...|Digas|Database|[dsn]|[table]|FacetSearch to:

  • True or 1 (Default Value)
    Display and enable Faceted Search Area for both Sql and Full-text search.

  • False or 0
    Hide and disable Faceted Search Area for both Sql and Full-text search.

  • SQL
    Enable and display Faceted Search Area only when Sql search is selected

    Enable and display Faceted Search Area only when Full-text search is selected.


Allows to configure the Content Manager facet search per table (and user).

Set ...|Digas|Database|[dsn]|ContentFacets for all tables inside a database

Set ...|Digas|Database|[dsn]|[table]|ContentFacets for a specific table

The value syntax is identical to the values used in web.config, see Configuring web.config Files

Example value: "General|N=Author|O=A,Modified,State,Class,Ready,Perfect,Invalid"

Available since DPE 2.12.x and NanoServices 1.1.x

Filter Configuration

To define Table specific filter configuration:

Set ...|Digas|Database|[dsn]|[table]|ContentManagerFilters to:

An ordered comma-separated value of Filter folder names located under ContentManager|Filter. e.g. SoftDeleted, All=Default, AudioOnly, LoudnessAnalyzed where Softdeleted filter will appear on top, LoudnessAnalyzed in the bottom and All will be the default filter.

For more information, see Filter Configuration

Column Configuration

To define Table specific column configuration:

Set ...|Digas|Database|[dsn]|[table]|ContentManagerColumns to:

An ordered  comma-separated value of column folder names located under ContentManager|Columns with optional width e.g. Group=48,Class=48,State,AudioPlayer=70,Title=350,Duration=80,Created=120,Author=100,Editor=100 where Group column will get a width of 48 pixels, State column will get a default width of 90 pixels. Group column will appear on the leftmost position, Editor on the rightmost position.

For more information, see Column Configuration

Default values for Entry Metadata Configuration

For each table you can define some default values which are automatically assigned when creating new database entries. The defaults must be listed in a subkey to the table with name "Default".

Set a key inside ...|Digas|Database|[dsn]|[table]|Default folder to define default value for a metadata field. The Key Name is the binding name for the metadata. Please see Available Bindings and Values in Content Manager for binding names.

Content Manager allows setting default values to following fields:

  • Author: If the value is empty, no default author is inserted. If it is a "*" the current user login name is inserted. If it is a "#" the full name of the current user is inserted. If it is a "$" the long name of the current user is inserted. Otherwise the specified name is used. The default for this value is "*".

  • Editor: same as Author.

  • DeleteDate : Although the name is "date", it is an offset in days. When the Content Manager creates a new entry, the offset is added to the current date and inserted into the DeleteDate field of the entry.

  • Class: This parameter sets the class for new entries. The value is applied when creating a new Virtual entry in Content Manager otherwise it is ignored.

  • ClassGroup: Default class for groups

  • ClassStory: Default class for stories

  • Recordplace:  If this value is "*" the workstation name is used. If the value is "#" the value from ...|Digas|Settings|Town is used. String "#station" is replaced inline by the name of broadcast station from ...|Digas|Settings|BroadcastStation. Otherwise the specified value is used.

  • Source:  If this value is "*" the workstation name is used. If the value is "#" the value from ...|Digas|Settings|ReplicatorLocation is used. Otherwise the specified value is used.

  • MusicID: If this value is set to "Counter|MYPREFIX|\\MySharedPathToACounterFile.cnt" the field MusicId is automatically filled for new entries (since DPE 2.12.35 and Nano 1.1.268)

  • Language: Default value for Language

  • Personal: If TRUE or YES each new entry will be a personal entry of the current user (noted in the OWNER field). If this entry is set to "ONLY", only personal entries are allowed in the table. Whenever a new entry is created the Database Manager will make it personal to the user logged in. If users must not create personal entries, you can set this value to "NA" or "Not available". Setting this value has no influence on existing entries.

  • Remark: Default value for Remark (since DPE 2.14.x and Nano 1.2.x)

Mandatory (= Essential) Fields

For each table you can define mandatory fields which have to be filled out when adding a new entry.

Specify a comma-separated list of mandatory fields inside the key de ...|Digas|Database|[dsn]|[table]|EssentialFields.

Possible Values:

  • Album, 

  • Author, 

  • Broadcast, 

  • BroadcastDate, 

  • Composer, 

  • Customer, 

  • DeleteDate, 

  • Distribution, 

  • Editor, 

  • GenericTitle, 

  • Keywords, 

  • Label/Carrier

  • Mediumname, 

  • Mediumtype, 

  • Motive, 

  • MusicID, 

  • Musictype, 

  • Performer, 

  • Program, 

  • Recordplace, 

  • Registration, 

  • Remark,

  • Ressort, 

  • Source, 

  • Style, 

  • Subressort, 

  • Title

The following extended feature allows to make more fields and also custom fields mandatory:

Add a folder: ...|Digas|Database|[dsn]|[table]|EssentialFieldsEx.

  • Add a key where the name is equal to the field name to be treated as mandatory.

  • Fields can be regular fields or custom defined fields.

  • Key names are the technical field names.

  • Key values are optional and define an humand readable text for the field name to be displayed in validation error messages.

  • An example for a custom field is "ABC/METADATA=ABC Custom MetaData Field", where 'ABC/METADATA' is the database field name and 'ABC Custom MetaData Field' the text displayed in validation error messages.

Note: currently Content Manager is not validating the entries when copying from one table to another.

Also see Validation of User Input

Calculated Duration

To define Table specific Calculated Duration:

Set ...|Digas|Database|[dsn]|[table]|DisplayOfDuration to:

  • Text: Display duration of text.

  • Audio: Display duration of Audio/video.

  • Total: Display the duration of text and audio/video combined.

  • AudioText: If entry is neither an audio nor video display duration of text otherwise duration of audio/video.

  • MarkedAudio: Display duration of audio/video between mark-in and mark-out points.

  • MarkedTotal: Display sum of text duration and audio/video duration between mark points.

The Calculated Duration can be configured as a column for the table, see Column Configuration.

Allowed Classes

You can specify classes to restrict the content of the Table.

For example to only allow entries of Class Audio and Music set ...|Digas|Database|[dsn]|[table]|AllowedClasses to: Audio,Music

For reference on classes, see Understanding Classes.

Allowed File Extensions

Set ...|Digas|Database|[dsn]|[table]|AllowedExtensions to:

  • True (Default Value) or 1
    Defines that all extensions are valid.

  • False or 0
    Defines that all extensions are invalid, no drop / file upload is allowed.

  • WAV,MP3 (for example)
    Defines that only extensions WAV and MP3 are allowed to be uploaded in table (or uploaded to an existing entry in the table).

Allowed Audio Templates

You can specify audio templates to restrict the table to certain audio formats. When you copying or uploading audio files to this table and the audio does not match the specified formats the audio files will be converted.

For example set

...|Digas|Database|[dsn]|[table]|AudioTemplates|Allowed to MyAudioTemplate1,MyAudioTemplate2

...|Digas|Database|[dsn]|[table]|AudioTemplates|Default to MyAudioTemplate1

where MyAudioTemplate1 and MyAudioTemplate2 must be specified audio templates under ...|AudioTemplates

Hide a table - or make available only in CM or DBM

Set ...|Digas|Database|[dsn ]|[table]|Enable to:

  • True (Default Value)
    Enable table(s) both in Content Manager (CM) and Database Manager (DBM).

  • False
    Disable tables(s) in both Content Manager (CM) and Database Manager (DBM).

  • CM or C
    Enable table(s) only in CM.

  • DBM or D
    Enable table(s) only in DBM.

DPE/ContentManager evaluates this field using PREFER_USER, DigaSQL/DBM uses PREFER_LOCAL


Set ...|Digas|Database|[dsn ]|[table]|ResetTimeOnCopy to:

Reset the create date+time when something is copied to this table

This parameter must be set on GLOBAL level it cannot be set on COMPUTER or USER level.

Audio resolution

You can specify the audio resolution for all audio players when playing entries of a given table.

Set the key ...|Digas|Database|[dsn]|[table]|WebPreListenQuality to :

  • lores
    to force all entries from the table to be played in low resolution

  • hires
    to force all entries from the table to be played in high resolution

  • lores,hires
    to prefer low resolution over high resolution

  • hires,lores
    to prefer high resolution over low resolution
    Note: Currently, in this setting If hires is not available then audio cannot be played back.

Any other value will be ignored and raise a warning log.

Beware that the table configuration overwrites the ContentManager audio resolution specified at ...|ContentManager|HiResPreListen.

Note that if no audio resolution is configured at both levels, the default is low audio resolution.

Audio waveform

The audio player can display the audio waveform if...

  • The PreProductionAudio workflow has created it for an entry 

  • The On-the-fly waveform creation returns it. Precondition: web.config settings have not disabled On-the-fly creation and ...|Digas|Database|[dsn]|[table]|OnTheFlyWaveformDisabled is not true

  • If requesting the waveform fails, the audio player will calculate it but needs to download the complete audio for this first

The audio player will not request a waveform if no waveform exists and ...|Digas|Database|[dsn]|[table]|OnTheFlyWaveformDisabled is set to true


If specified flags are not set in an entry ContentManager or DBM cannot copy this entry. If more than one flag is defined here, each flag must be set before entry can be copied.

If parameter contains 'READYPERFECT' the flag 'READY' or the flag 'PERFECT' must be set.

Content Manager specific configuration



Table Groups

Add the names of the Table Groups separated to …|ContentManager|TableGroups=[Table Group 1 Name, Table Group 2 Name]

Note: Currently only one group can be defined in this key and displayed in the Content Manager! To show another group this key has to be changed accordingly!

When a Table Group is selected in Content Manager, only tables being a member of that group are shown. The Table Group feature is activated if a Table Group exists.

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