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Configuration Overview

DpeNanoServices is based on Microsoft .Net Core. Microsoft .Net Core offers the following built-in ways for specifying configuration:

  • appsettings.json file (lowest priority)

  • environment variables

  • command-line options (highest priority)

See also

Configuring an option in appsettings.json

Example: DpeLogging | UseFileLogger

  "DpeLogging": {
    "UseFileLogger": true,

Configuring an option with environment varriables

Example: DpeLogging | UseFileLogger

According to the hierarchical structure of appsettings.json options the environment variable name is derived by adding double underscores between hierarchies

set DpeLogging__UseFileLogger=true

Configuring an option from command line

Example: DpeLogging | UseFileLogger

According to the hierarchical structure of appsettings.json options the command-line option name is derived by adding a colon between hierarchies

dotnet DpeNanoServices DpeLogging:UseFileLogger=true
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