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How and Where DigaSystem parameter files are searched


Default behavior

DpeNanoServices takes the settings for parameter file locations from windows registry

Possible overrides

  • A file DigaSystemRegistry.xml exists in the application folder and contains the file location references

  • An alternative xml file (containing the file location references) is configured under the applications configuration option DpeParFile | DigaSystemRegistryXmlFilePath

Also see


Default behavior

DpeNanoServices searches for a file DigaSystemRegistry_Linux.xml in the application folder.

The default content of this file references a DigaSystem parameter structure in the current folder:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

Possible overrides

  • Modify the file DigaSystemRegistry_Linux.xml to your needs

  • An alternative xml file (containing the file location references) is configured under the applications configuration option DpeParFile | DigaSystemRegistryXmlFilePath

Also see

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