Introduction to SAF
SAF (Station Automation Framework) is a platform for executing, configuring and monitoring automation modules.
It implements the following basic features:
- Same user experience for all automation modules
- Runs as desktop application or windows service
- Multi-instance capabilities (on various levels: SAF server, SAF modules)
- Remotely administratable
- Localizable
- Online help
- Modules have a defined programming environment providing most used functionalities (config, logging,...)
- Extendable through extensions (= plugins)
SAF Platform Architecture
- Client/Server architecture
- Using .Net 4.5
- SafAdministration.exe is used to configure and monitor the modules execution
- SafServer.exe executes the modules business logic
- SafImplementation.dll is a shared library for SafServer + SafAdministration
- SafInterop.dll is a shared library offering the SAF interfaces to SAF modules
- SafAdmin + SafServer communicate via network protocols with each other (.Net remoting)
- SafAdmin + SafServer are module agnostic, they know almost nothing about the module but just display pages provided by the module or execute methods provided by the module.
SafAdministration.exe | SafImplementation.dll | SafServer.exe |
SafInterop.dll | ||
SAF Modules & Extensions