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Standard Workflow Configurations for CM

Some Content Manager actions require a workflow configuration within the DPE Workflow System.

There are two types of workflows:

  • BACKGROUND related workflows, which are set up by administrators and run in the background.
  • USER ACTION related workflows, which are triggered by user actions, e.g. Drop an entry to another table.

All Workflow templates can be imported via the WebAdmin's template tab, see Procedure for Configuring Standard Workflows

Depending on what options are enabled in the Content Manager (Base or Production), different workflows templates are available:

Content Manager Base

The following workflows are available for all Content Manager setups. 

AudioLoResOnTheFly Workflow BACKGROUND

AudioLoResOnTheFly workflow creates the LoRes for an existing Audio. The workflow is triggered automatically when an audio entry without any LoRes is played.

Needed Job Processors for this Job
SAF ServerAudioProcessor
SAF ModuleAudioFileConverter

AudioWaveformOnTheFly Workflow BACKGROUND

AudioWaveformOnTheFly workflow creates the Waveform for an existing Audio. The workflow is triggered automatically when an audio entry without a waveform is played.

Needed Job Processors for this Job
SAF ServerAudioProcessor
SAF ModuleAudioWaveformCreator

CreateFullTextIndex Workflow BACKGROUND

This workflow template is used for creating initial full-text index for your tables when using Elasticsearch based full-text index.

PreProductionAudio Workflow BACKGROUND

PreProductionAudio Workflow prepares an audio entry for production. The workflow is usually configured via a Table Watcher which instantiates a workflow based on an action (Create, Update, Delete) on entries of a table. Please see Configuring Workflow Table Watcher for more information.

Needed Job Processors for this Job
SAF ServersAudioProcessor, LoudnessProcessor
SAF ModulesAudioFileConverter, AudioWavefromCreator, AudioSpeechToText, LoudnessAnalyzer
Workflow parameters
LoResDeleteSystem.BooleanDeletes existing LoRes and Creates a new one Default: False
LoResExtensionSystem.StringExtension for generated LoRes e.g. mp3
SpeechToTextApiSystem.StringOptional parameter which points to the SpeechToText config defined in ...|Common|SpeechToText|.
SpeechToTextDeleteSystem.BooleanDelete previous S2T file. Default: False
SupportGrowingAudioSystem.BooleanDefault: False
UseProcessingFlagSystem.BooleanDefault: False
WaveformCreateSystem.BooleanCreates a new Waveform. Default: True
WaveformDeleteSystem.BooleanDeletes previous Waveform Default: False
LoudnessCreateSystem.BooleanRuns loudness analysis and sets (updates) loudness values. Default: False
LoudnessCheckForExistingSystem.BooleanSkip loudness analysis if loudness values already exist. Default: True
LoudnessDoConcurrentlySystem.BooleanTry to analyze loudness concurrently. If this is not possible because the audio is growing do it at the very end. Default: True

Content Manager Option: Production

The following workflows are only available if the Content Manager Production option is enabled.

AnalyzeEntry Workflow USER ACTION

AnalyzeEntry workflow analyzes an audio/video file and accordingly updates the duration and media meta-data properties (media type, audio format etc.) of the entry containing the files. The workflow is triggered when an audio/video file is dropped onto Content Manager. Please see Creating an Entry for more information.

Needed Job Processors for this Job
SAF ServersAudioProcessor, VideoProcessor
SAF ModulesAudioFileAnalyzer, VideoFileAnalyzer

CopyEntry Workflow USER ACTION

CopyEntry workflow is responsible for copying one or more entries between tables. In Content Manager, a CopyEntry workflow is triggered when a user drags an entry from one table and drops it onto another table. Please see copying entries to another table for more information.

Needed Job Processors for this Job
SAF ServerUtilityProcessor
SAF ModuleFileTransfer

CopyEntryFilesAndSetToExisting Workflow USER ACTION

CopyEntryFilesAndSetToExisting workflow is triggered when an entry is copied from one table to a group in another table. The workflow copies entry files and sets the entry state to "Existing". Please see Working with Stories and Groups for more information.

Needed Job Processors for this Job
SAF ServerUtilityProcessor
SAF ModuleFileTransfer

ConvertAudioFileToAllowedFormat Workflow USER ACTION

ConvertAudioFileToAllowedFormat workflow matches allowed and default audio templates and converts audio if needed. The workflow is triggered automatically when an audio is uploaded.

Needed Job Processors for this Job
SAF ServerAudioProcessor
SAF ModuleAudioFileConverter

CopyEntryFromUrl Workflow USER ACTION

CreateEntryFromUrl workflow is triggered when an image is dropped onto Content Manager from another web page. The workflows creates a new graphic entry. Please see Creating an Entry for more information.

Needed Job Processors for this Job
SAF ServerUtilityProcessor
SAF ModuleFileTransfer

AudioTranscoding USER ACTION

AudioTranscoding is triggered when a copy action in Content Manager or an upload action to Content Manager requires audio transcoding.

Needed Job Processors for this Job
SAF ServerAudioProcessor
SAF ModuleAudioFileConverter

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