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Working With Workflow Arguments

Standard Arguments

A workflow must provide a minimum argument list that matches the expectation of the workflow trigger that creates the workflow.

Example: a workflow for a WorkflowTableWatcher must provide an argument Arg_TableId and Arg_EntryId whereas a workflow for a WorkflowFolder Watcher must provide an argument Arg_File.

Therefore we provide workflow templates with different argument lists. 

  • Generic workflow (can be used in WorkflowScheduler)
  • TableWatcher workflow (TW)
  • FolderWatcher workflow (FW)
  • ContentManager workflow (CM)
  • SubclipEditor workflow (SCE)

Argument NameRequiredDescription
UserAlwaysDigaSystem credentials under which the workflow is executing.
PasswordAlwaysDigaSystem credentials under which the workflow is executing.
AccessTokenOptionalManydatory for running with OIDC authentication in DPE 2.x
Arg_EventTW, FW

String describing the event that lead to creating the workflow instance: "Created", "Changed", "Renamed", "Deleted".

Mandatory for Workflow Table Watcher and Folder Watcher

Arg_TableIdTW, CM, SCE

DigaSystem table id, e.g. "MyDatabase\MyTable".

Mandatory for Workflow Table Watcher.

Arg_EntryIdTW, CM, SCE

DigaSystem entry number, e.g. 12345.

Mandatory for Workflow Table Watcher.


Optional string argument to pass many comma-separated table ids to one workflow. Normally one workflow is triggered per entry.

Requires a ContenManager plugin config containing 

"ManyToOne": 1

Optional string argument to pass many comma-separated entry ids to one workflow. Normally one workflow is triggered per entry.

Requires a ContentManager plugin config containing

"ManyToOne": 1

File path.

Mandatory for Workflow Folder Watcher.

Arg_SubclipsSCEComma-separated string of subclip ids
Arg_MarkInSCEAs an alternative to a list of subclips a mark in and mark out can be passed from Subclip Editor to a workflow.
Arg_MarkOutSCEAs an alternative to a list of subclips a mark in and mark out can be passed from Subclip Editor to a workflow.
CreatorOptionalThe DigaSystem credentials used to create the workflow instance, e.g. USER1.
CreatingComponentOptionalThe component that created the workflow instance, e.g. MYMACHINE\ContentManager.
DpeTempFolderOptionalReturns path to DPE temp folder (as configured in web.config of DPE Server)

These arguments are filled automatically. All arguments besides Arg_Event, Arg_TableId, Arg_EntryId and Arg_File can be overwritten by the trigger component.

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