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How to start a jingle #1 from the jingle bank - 5 seconds before the end of a specific group

A general request could be "I need to create a macro in TP to start an element from a Jingle bank 5 seconds before the end of a specific group of main rundown."

Here are the questions and answers that were clarified upfront for this request:

  1. Is it always the same element from the Jingle bank that needs to be started? For example, always element #4.
    Yes its always the same element from the jingle bank. #1
  2. Or is it depending on metadata of the “specific group”, which jingle element to start?
    No, it does’t depends on metadata
  3. Is the “specific group” always the same one for each and every show? How often does it appear in a show?
    The group is always the same “*** Radio123 spot***” and is present in any show one or two time
  4. Maybe you can provide us with screenshots from DigAIRange showing and explaining what kind of group it is and what kind of planning you would like to achieve.
    See the attached screenshot. I need to start a jingle (every time the same), five seconds before the end of the last element of the commercial group - highlighted in red on the screenshot. All the time the next element is the one that you can see on the screenshot: “JNG Radio123 (C short)”

Proposed solution

  1. Create an EventsOut subkey with the command "TP_Start(Jingles, 1)":

  2. Create an EventsInternal subkey:

  3. The value of the entry Command should contain:


if  (DataOfElement ( Show, Next, Title) == "JNG Radio123 (C short)" &&  DataOfElement(Show, GroupOfLastPlaying, Title) == "*** Radio123 SPOTS ***") {
TP_Log(Starting Jingle #1 because the next element is "JNG Radio123 (C short)" and the title of the GroupOfLastPlaying is "*** Radio123 SPOTS ***")
} else {
TP_Log(DataOfElement ( Show, Next, Title) == "JNG Radio123 (C short)")
TP_Log(DataOfElement(Show, GroupOfLastPlaying, Title) == "*** Radio123 SPOTS ***")
TP_Log(Not starting Jingle #1 because either the next element is not "JNG Radio123 (C short)" or the title of the GroupOfLastPlaying is not "*** Radio123 SPOTS ***")

→ Please note that TP_Log is only adding a message to the TechEx log and is not needed for the proper execution of the command. However, this is helpful for troubleshooting.

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