Setting up Speech to Text with MTE
For detailed instructions for SpeechToText configuration go here:
Simple Instructions:
- For a demo Speechmatics license go to– go to Sign In > click Register > then go to Account page
- You need the following dll`s in the same folder as your MultiTrack:
- cpprest141_2_10.dll
- SpeechmaticsInterface.dll
- BCGPEdit260U141.dll
- In your ADMIN set the parameters in the screenshots below
- can be under Global, Local or User
- Get User and Password from your Account
- Make sure to encrypt the password using ADMIN
- if you are using a machine without a complete Digasystem install (or ADMIN) you can add the parameters mentioned below to the Multitrack.ini file (usually located in C:\ProgramData\DigaSystem\MULTITRACK)
To do Speech2Text analysis in MTE:
- Right click audio file in clipboard (right hand side of MTE)
- click the service (e.g. English) and the analysis file gets sent to Speechmatics, then sent back.
- Go to SingleTrack in MTE - drag the file into the main view - Go to VIEW in the menu bar and tick speech to text.
Additional Links:
- More detailed SpeechToText configuration: