DPE WebServices & WebApplications
DPE WebServices & WebApplications 2.x
Components | Version |
DPE | |
- Required for BrowserBridge version
- Required for Workflow Server version
- Required for Utility Processor version
- Required for Audio Processor version
- Required for Loudness Processor version
- Required for Video Processor version
- Required for Active Directory Sync version
- Requires a DpeCoreDb version 1.12 or 1.13 or 1.14 (DpeCoreDb Wizard supports upgrading an older version) running on (Details see Supported Databases)
- Requires Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2, 2016 or 2019 operating system
- Requires Microsoft .Net 4.5
- Using on-the-fly conversion requires Workflow Templates AudioLoResOnTheFly.wft in version and AudioWaveformOnTheFly.wft in version (details see below) and a AudioConverter license for AudioProcessor.
- For accessing all web applications the client must have a standard compliant web browser. Supported are latest versions of Firefox, latest version of Chrome and Edge latest
Setup 2.x
New Features
- None
Fixed issues
- None
WebServices 2.x
New Features
- Support for TLS 1.3 has been added, nevertheless there is no Windows Server OS supporting TLS 1.3 properly!
- Search pattern for dates has been extended and allows not to search for a year or a month within a year, see https://learn.davidsystems.com/dpe2v3/dpe-server/learn-and-explore-dpe-server/searching-in-dpe-web-applications#SearchinginDPEWebApplications-Date/TimeValuesAndRanges
A new REST tableChangeNumbers resource has been added
RTF conversion is now based on SautinSoft RTF library
- Workflow Service
- Removes XAML info (=Workflow Template) from instance database after Workflow finished
- Facet search is know non-blocking by using SQL hint "WITH (NOLOCK)"
- Allows know to switch off conflict detection on a per-workflow basis (by adding a leading "!0" to the title"), see https://learn.davidsystems.com/dpe2v3/workflow-system/learn-and-explore-wf-system/understanding-workflow-names-titles
- RightsService
- Has been extend for permission statistics
- Has been extend for permission statistics
- LogsService
- Facet search is know non-blocking by using SQL hint "WITH (NOLOCK)"
Fixed issues
- STG-7604 - Default timeout has been set to 120 seconds instead of 60 seconds, as this fits to internal database timeout setting
- ContentService
- STG-7510 - SpeechToText data with head duration containing float fails
- STG-7649 - REST Services: groupMemberShips bug
- STG-7690 - LOI file handling fails because Chrome slows down unused tabs, solved by increased timeout form 30s to 70s
- STG-7706 - Do not try to clear password in TableInfo when TableInfo is null
- STG-7731 - RTF Conversion fails and crashes RTF usage when containing images
- STG-7754 - Media.ashx: throttle calls to CleanupCache
- STG-7755 - Media.ashx should check if high res audio exists before starting on-the-fly workflow, as otherwise Workflow will fail
- STG-7858 - Deadlock resolving not working for Faceted Search and QueryChangeNumber
- WorkflowService
- STG-7597 - Did not use delays between retries for database access
- STG-7760 - Create Workflow did not find conflicts and insert Workflow in same transaction (when retries occur)
- STG-7643 - Incorrect DPE temp path lead to inaccessible Logs and WorkflowMonitor details
- ParameterService
STG-7726 - Character combination "|+" in a parameter value is incorrectly returned as "|*"
- LogsService
- STG-7643 - Incorrect DPE temp path lead to inaccessible Logs and WorkflowMonitor details
General UI 2.x
New Features
- Top Menu
- is now accessible and navigable by keyboard
- Grids / Lists:
- A new shared pagination web-component has been developed and is used now for all lists, which allow paging
- User can now select visible columns from a list of available columns
- Including a Quick filter
- And a Default button, for applying pre-configured setting
- UI Themes
- Dark UI theme for all DPe Web Applications
- UI themes available can be configured by the Admin, see https://learn.davidsystems.com/dpe2v3/dpe-server/learn-and-explore-dpe-server/configuring-ui-appearance-with-ui-themes
- UI theme used can be selected by user, see https://learn.davidsystems.com/dpe2v3/dpe-server/getting-started-with-dpe-server/working-with-dpe-web-applications
- Each application can have its own UI theme, but all can also share common UI Themes PARameter set, see https://learn.davidsystems.com/dpe2v3/dpe-server/learn-and-explore-dpe-server/configuring-ui-appearance-with-ui-themes
- All images have been replaced by font based icons
- All checkboxes and radio buttons look now identical and are fully styleable
- LESS code has been cleaned-up for using less color variables
- Audio pre-listen is now done in all Web Applications (Content Manager and Subclip Editor) via EAO (= Embedded Audio Object)
- Old <audio> element playout code has been cleaned
- Javascript cleanup
- Metro UI has been removed from DPE suite and Metro UI dropdowns have been replaced by full ember dropdowns
- Most emberJS grid deprecations have been remove from CM, SCE and RCE
Fixed issues
- STG-7474 - Hide "Change Password" topmenu entry for Active Directory users also in OIDC mode
- STG-7554]- Dropdowns not accessible by arrow keys when using JAWS Screenreader
- STG-7570 - Column config parameter updated too frequently, when changing column width
- STG-7602 - Login not possible under Chrome and Mac OS S 11.0.1 (Big Sur)
Video Player 2.x
This component is used within Content Manager and RoughCut Edit for viewing LoRes videos.
- This component is integral part of the DPE solution and fits therefore to the same Content Manager and RoughCut Edit versions
- VideoPlayer requires a dedicated MPD (MPeg Dash) Lo-Res file beside each video entry in the DigaSystem database. These LoRes files can be generated via a project specific Video Conversion Workflow.
- VideoPlayer requires minimum Firefox 56, Chrome latest or Edge on Windows 10 Version 1607 or newer as client.
New Features
Fixed issues
- STG-7696 - Videos are not played back in Content Manager details pane, when using Chrome 88 (or newer)
Content Manager 2.x
see Content Manager
Subclip Editor 2.x
see Subclip Editor
RoughCut Edit 2.x
see Roughcut Edit
Management Services 2.x
Admin 2.x
New features
- Admin supports now also Dark UI Theme and allows to customize UI Theme, see https://learn.davidsystems.com/dpe2v3/admin/learn-and-explore-admin/ui-theme-configuration-in-admin
Fixed issues
- None
Workflow Admin 2.x
see Workflow System
SAF Monitor 2.x
see Workflow System
Licenses 2.x
New features
- License page display now
- amount of available licenses
- amount of users having the right to access a certain license in a new column
- summed up quota for all SAF related licenses
- It is possible to jump from a listed used quota to User & Groups / SAF Monitor for directly seeing which users/groups / SAF modules or causing this quota value.
- Export of licenses list has been added, including customer name, quota and used licenses
- See https://learn.davidsystems.com/dpe2v3/admin/getting-started-with-admin/introduction-to-licenses
Fixed issues
- None
Logs 2.x
New Features
- Improved loading of next log data when scrolling down to the bottom of list
Fixed issues
- STG-7463 - Logs: 2nd "End" key press does not load 201-300 log entry
- STG-7493 - Logs: exception when pressing PageEnd multiple times
System Monitor 2.x
New Features
- System Monitor supports now also Dark UI Theme and allows to customize UI Theme, see https://learn.davidsystems.com/dpe2v3/admin/learn-and-explore-admin/ui-theme-configuration-in-system-monitor
- Service Calls page offers now a "Deadlock Info" button for workflow service
Further Workflow Templates 2.x
Following standard Workflow Templates are part of the DPE base package.
Workflow Template | Version | Changes |
DigEraseSoftDelete.wft | | Extended functionality by several new arguments.
DigEraseHardDelete.wft | | Extended functionality by several new arguments.
Loudness Analysis Package
Workflow Template | Version | Changes |
LoudnessAnalyzeEntry.wft | | No changes, identical to Release 2019.2.0 |
LoudnessAnalyzeNextBlock.wft | | No changes, identical to Release 2019.2.0 |
- Requires a Loudness Processor, with license for Loudness Analyzer (see Workflow Framework)
Loudness Gain Adjust
Workflow Template | Version | Changes |
LoudnessGainAdjust.wft | | No changes, identical to Release 2020.1.0 |
- Requires a Loudness Processor, with license for Loudness Analyzer and Loudness Normalizer (see Workflow Framework)
DPE WebServices & WebApplications 1.x
Components | Version |
DPE | |
WebServices 1.x
Fixed Issues
- STG-7649 - REST Content Service: groupMemberShips bug
General UI 1.x
Fixed Issues
- None
Video Player 1.x
This component is used within Content Manager and RoughCut Edit for viewing LoRes videos.
Fixed Issues
- STG-7696 - Videos are not played back in Content Manager details pane (when using Chrome 88 or newer)
Content Manager 1.x
see Content Manager
Subclip Editor1.x
see Subclip Editor
RoughCut Edit 1.x
see Roughcut Edit
Management Services 1.x
Admin 1.x
Fixed issues
- None
Workflow Admin 1.x
see Workflow System
SAF Monitor 1.x
see Workflow System
Licenses 1.x
Fixed issues
- None
Logs 1.x
Fixed issues