DPE WebServices & WebApplications
DPE WebServices & WebApplications 2.x
Components | Version |
DPE | 2.4.301.0 |
- Required for BrowserBridge version
- Required for Workflow Server version
- Required for Utility Processor version
- Required for Audio Processor version
- Required for Loudness Processor version
- Required for Video Processor version
- Required for Active Directory Sync version
- Requires a DpeCoreDb version 1.12 or 1.13 or 1.14 (DpeCoreDb Wizard supports upgrading an older version) running on (Details see Supported Databases)
- Requires Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2, 2016 or 2019 operating system
- Requires Microsoft .Net 4.8
- Using on-the-fly conversion requires Workflow Templates AudioLoResOnTheFly.wft in version and AudioWaveformOnTheFly.wft in version (details see below) and a AudioConverter license for AudioProcessor.
- For accessing all web applications the client must have a standard compliant web browser. Supported are latest versions of Firefox, latest version of Chrome and Edge latest
Setup 2.x
New Features
- DPE has been migrated to .Net 4.8
Fixed issues
- CCD-42467 - SQL password with ";" leads to error message
WebServices 2.x
New Features
- ContentService
- CCD-42290 - Add ResetTimeOnCopy to TableInfo contract
- CCD-40599 - Deadlock handling for MySQL
- Added missing support for PUT on resource media
Fixed vulnerabilities
- ContentService
- STG-5384 - Non-Easy operations are switched off now by default
- RightsService
- STG-7999 - Avoid exposure of security relevant information
Fixed issues
- ContentService
- STG-7908 - Increase performance by less and simpler SQL queries and therefore reduce risk of deadlock
- STG-7945 - Hard-delete for entries without medium list does not delete file referenced by FILENAME
- STG-7976 - UploadMedium.ashx: workaround for clients that upload a first block with 0 audio bytes
- STG-7993 - Some subclip operations are not guarded by deadlock retries
- STG-8032 - ElasticSearch and SQL order of entries is sometimes different
- STG-7927 - "entries" resource does not check READ right for a table when searching
- STG-8137 - "subClips" endpoint not working correctly
- WorkflowService
- STG-8013 - New function QueryWorkflowCount(filter) used within Workflow Scheduler
- CCD-42434 - Problem with workflow name length and filtering for duplicated workflow names
- ParameterService
STG-7998 - Make more robust for corrupted PAR files
General UI 2.x
New Features
- DPE has been migrate to .Net 4.8
- DPE supports now paused audio uploads (recordings)
- UI schemes
- All AR Examples for column configurations have been updated for using CSS variables
- Dark UI scheme is now hard-coded
- PAR file with default UI scheme parameters has been updated
- UIScheme selection has been moved in the topmenu user drop-down above change password
- UI/UX Improvements
- Unused images have been removed under dpe-html5-framework/core/resources
- Native select boxes have been replaced with ember component for easier UI configuration
- Use generic search-box with history, keywords, etc. everywhere
- "Escape" key clears search-auto
Fixed issues
STG-7800 - Navigate to last row by arrow down key in any grid, last row is sometimes only half visible
STG-7882 - Button look different in Safari (e.g. iPad Pro), like for example "Edit" button in Content Manager details pane
- STG-7862 - Logs configuration not set before model hook accessed
- Login page
STG-8063 - Parsing DpeToken from URL is broken
Video Player 2.x
This component is used within Content Manager and RoughCut Edit for viewing LoRes videos.
- This component is integral part of the DPE solution and fits therefore to the same Content Manager and RoughCut Edit versions
- VideoPlayer requires a dedicated MPD (MPeg Dash) Lo-Res file beside each video entry in the DigaSystem database. These LoRes files can be generated via a project specific Video Conversion Workflow.
- VideoPlayer requires latest Firefox, latest Chrome latest or latest Edge (Chromium based) as client.
New Features
Fixed issues
- None
Content Manager 2.x
see Content Manager
Subclip Editor 2.x
see Subclip Editor
RoughCut Edit 2.x
see Roughcut Edit
Management Services 2.x
Admin 2.x
New features
- None
Fixed issues
- STG-7963 - Useless favicon GET requests
Workflow Admin 2.x
see Workflow System
SAF Monitor 2.x
see Workflow System
Licenses 2.x
New features
- None
Fixed issues
- None
Logs 2.x
New Features
- None
Fixed issues
- None
System Monitor 2.x
New Features
- Canvas styling (used for charts) is now customizable
- Each sub-menu item has now an own URL / ember route
Fixed issue
- CCD-42554 - <iframe>s are not filled, without refreshing the page (=pressing F5)
Further Workflow Templates 2.x
Following standard Workflow Templates are part of the DPE base package.
Workflow Template | Version | Changes |
DigEraseSoftDelete.wft | | Fixed Vulnerabilities
DigEraseHardDelete.wft | | Fixed Vulnerabilities
Loudness Analysis Package
Workflow Template | Version | Changes |
LoudnessAnalyzeEntry.wft | | No changes, identical to Release 2019.2.0 |
LoudnessAnalyzeNextBlock.wft | | No changes, identical to Release 2019.2.0 |
- Requires a Loudness Processor, with license for Loudness Analyzer (see Workflow Framework)
Loudness Gain Adjust
Workflow Template | Version | Changes |
LoudnessGainAdjust.wft | | No changes, identical to Release 2020.1.0 |
- Requires a Loudness Processor, with license for Loudness Analyzer and Loudness Normalizer (see Workflow Framework)
DPE WebServices & WebApplications 1.x
Be aware that DPE 1.x and all related modules are EOL (= End Of Life) now and that none of them are supported by DAVID anymore!
You can find the initial EOP / EOL announcement in Release 2019.2.0 product life cycle.
Components | Version |
DPE | |
WebServices 1.x
Fixed Issues
- STG-7649 - REST Content Service: groupMemberShips bug
General UI 1.x
Fixed Issues
- None
Video Player 1.x
This component is used within Content Manager and RoughCut Edit for viewing LoRes videos.
Fixed Issues
- STG-7696 - Videos are not played back in Content Manager details pane (when using Chrome 88 or newer)
Content Manager 1.x
see Content Manager
Subclip Editor1.x
see Subclip Editor
RoughCut Edit 1.x
see Roughcut Edit
Management Services 1.x
Admin 1.x
Fixed issues
- None
Workflow Admin 1.x
see Workflow System
SAF Monitor 1.x
see Workflow System
Licenses 1.x
Fixed issues
- None
Logs 1.x
Fixed issues