For Release 2021.2.0, we are extending value to our DigaCare customers in a number of ways:
- Making live of Admins easier by improving UX of Management Services
- Use DPE dark UI scheme without any configuration effort
- More stress resistant DPE Services due to improved Deadlock handling
Content Management
- Quick-filter for finding your table faster (in DBM and CM)
- Content Manager
- Define if your users listen to HiRes or LoRes
- Simplified search with syntax completion / suggestion feature
- Database Manager
- Copy meta data form one entry to another
- Use Ember+ for controlling DBM
Media Production Audio
- Define if your Subclip Editor users listen to HiRes or LoRes
Workflow Framework
- Configure Workflow Folder Watcher via the web based SAF Monitor
- Reduce maintenance of your workflows by using new released PreProductionAudio Workflow for adding LoRes, Waveform, SpeechToText Transcript and/or Loudness meta data to an entry
Planning, Publishing, and Playout
- Select/Copy/Paste of Elements in Scheduling is possible (also true for multiple selection)
- Improved RTF editor with new defaults for Scheduling
- Possible to change speaker in Scheduling
- Improved UX for Planning
- improved rundown view
- better notifications - loading indicator
- auto - scroll to current show in Calendar
- Mini CM in Scheduling is auto refreshed
- Improved accessibility with more shortcuts
- Brand new read-only Presentation text view (RTF-view) with Zooming functionality
- Supports basic keyboard shortcuts
- Improve rundown & setting view