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Database Manager (DBM)

DBM v5.8.8224.0



DBM 5.7.8187.23 Bug fix brunch

  • DBM requires Visual C++ redistributable for Visual Studio 2019 (Download “vcredist_x86.exe” at
  • It is recommended to deploy also XceedZip.dll, delivered together with DBM, as this DLL is needed for *.entry file export/import.
  • It is recommended to use DigaSQL.dll 3.19.3492.0
  • It is required to use MultiRec 4.8.327.0
  • It is required to use DigaRTF.ocx
  • It is required to use Loudness Visualization Control (LVC.ocx)
  • It is recommended to use DigaContentTabHost.dll
  • It is recommended to use OtmControl.ocx 2.7.758.0
  • Using Elasticsearch based full-text index requires installation of ElasticIndex.dll and relies on proper configured DPE ContentService
  • Receiving message from DPE MessageService requires a connection to the DPE backend
New Features
  • Support for "UAA" project (extended Custom Mask support)

  • Allow to configure no "Quick Action" button in entry mask (saving space for the tab headers) - CCD-42997
  • Increase the number of items in "Copy Data" list - CCD-43044
  • Improved support for "Custom Actions", which launch an external program:
    • Command-line parameters, both fixed and "variable" (using metadata fields)
    • Drag&Drop entries to launch icon
    • Launch with zero or multiple selected entries
  • Support for parameters "IsVisibleFor0Entries" and "ManyToOne" for launching DPE workflows
  • Configurable "drop rate" of True Peak indicator - CCD-41636
  • "Sequoia" interface is more generic
  • Keyboard shortcut for "Import Files" - CCD-43121
  • Support secure DPE tokens
  • Filter view not visible on narrow column width - CCD-43265
Fixed issues
  • OIA-372: MusicID-Counter counts two times (when creating entry with editor) - CCD-42824
  • OIA-419: Table group selection box disappears after using the Settings dialog - CCD-42990, CCD-42838
  • OIA-536: Further reduce height of entry mask on small screens - CCD-41907

  • OIA-544: Entry Mask: Cannot select department by keyboard - CCD-43085
  • OIA-594: Drag&Drop of data in "DBX" Clipboard Format to DBM doesn't work
  • OIA-909: Shows in Selection Tree are not Ordered - CCD-42816
  • OIA-910: Entry Mask: Enable NumKP Shortcuts - CCD-42584
  • OIA-911: Crash when elements are loaded from the MultiTableSearch into OTM - CCD-42859
  • OIA-912: MultiTableSearch error when OTM opened from Entry mask - CCD-42859
  • OIA-813: MessageBox Enhancements - CCD-42623
  • OIA-1106: Closing the Audio tab of the entry mask with 'OK' added 0 values to Loudness fields - CCD-42013
  • OIA-1221: Ember+ tab in Settings Dialog didn't work for user ADMIN - CCD-43154
  • OIA-1373: New parameter "ApplySymbolColor" for custom flags - CCD-43197
  • OIA-1366: Allow conversion of AIFF files where the "SSND" chunk comes before the "COMM" chunk - CCD-43187
  • OIA-1461: In very rare circumstances, the DBM/MTE communication failed when MTE requests a list of database tables from DBM - CCD-43129
  • OIA-1574: DigaRTF control in "Moderation" tab was destroyed, leading to data loss - CCD-43258
  • OIA-1592: ESC doesn't stop a running recording with parameter "RecordMaskAlwaysFirst=TRUE" - CCD-43272
  • OIA-1616: Fields not updated after use of OTM in the entry mask - CCD-43262
MultiRec fix issues
  • OIA-1619: Freeze when trying to render the timeline of projects containing MP2 audio with padding - CCD-43271
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