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Broadcast Server




6.1.434.3 (Patch)


  • DigaSQL.dll 3.20.3498.0 (recommended)

Fixed Issues

  • CCD-43817/OIA-3273: When BCS created a year, a month or a day node without copying from a template then the field GUID was missing.

  • CCD-43937/CCD-43401/OIA-2180: In new mode StartAttributeInheritance=Regular the start mode Relative" was not inherited.

  • BCS inherited start types and start modes from groups/stories to unplayable children - especially to info elements.

New features

  • OIA-3930: In order to better support an upgrade of BCS v5 -> v6 it is possible now to configure a replacement of remote link data in the registry values: BroadcastServer\config>\RemoteLoginData\UseInstead. This allows e.g. to keep remote link data using the old SeplProtocol in the metadata of shows/tracks, but BCS will build up remote conncections with WebSockets instead.

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