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Audio Editors

NB. Multirec can now be found under DigaSystem Base here.

Audio Editors 8.x






8.1.1833.0 (full release)

8.0.1816.6 (patch version)

Dependencies (recommended versions)

  • MultiRec64.ocx (4.8.339.0)

  • DigaSQL64.dll (3.20.3499.0)

  • LoudnessDLL.dll ( optional for loudness workflows

  • LVC.ocx ( optional for loudness workflows

  • MteDefaultCustomMask.dll ( optional for integration with Content Manager

  • DigaContentTabHost.dll ( optional for integration with DPE

  • DigaXmlTransformer ( optional for EDL export with XSL transformation

  • BCGPEdit260U141.dll ( optional for Express Editing (Speech to Text add-on)

  • SpeechmaticsInterface.dll ( optional for Express Editing (Speech to Text add-on)

  • TIOEmberPlus.dll ( optional for remote controlling MTE with Ember+.

  • AAFCOAPI.dll ( optional for AAF Export (Handover to ProTools) 

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable Package (x64)


No Support for Native Effects in v8 Editors

The v8 editors (EasyTrack, MultiTrack, SingleTrack) v8 do not support the native DAVID audio effects (EasyEqualizer, Parametric Equalizer, Subsonic Filter, Compressor).

Ember+ Integration License Required

Ember+ integration is not part of the base functionality. It requires separate licensing.

Fixed issues in versions 8.1.1833.0 and 8.0.1816.6

(8.0 & 8.1)

  • CCD-43858: Writing project files over the network can be slow

  • CCD-43363: Moving sound head sometimes was not positioned optimally

  • CCD-44201: Multi-line XML values were written incorrectly to the registry

  • CCD-43860: Editor attempted to load PclDrv.dll instead of PclDrv64.dll

  • ReporterBox text disappeard when resizing the storyboard

Fixed issues in versions 8.1.1833.0 only

  • Doing a lot of editing on STS with S2T window active slowed down overall GUI performance

  • CCD-44126: EasyTrack saves some effects into project although disabled

  • CCD-40724: When saving via OpenMedia, audio template settings of the target table are now always observed

New features in versions 8.1.1833.0 only

  • Add clip text to the podcast creation file instead of first words

  • New accelerator: Switch all tracks to edit mode

  • Open the marker dialog during track recoding

  • CCD-44072: Use table groups to filter tables in save dialogs

  • CCD-44072: Table group selection is persistent within the MTE session

Audio Editors 7.x






patch release 7.10.1783.18

(bug fixes only)

Dependencies (recommended versions)

  • MultiRec_4.ocx (4.8.339.0) required by all audio editors

  • DigaSQL.dll (3.20.3499.0)

  • LoudnessDLL.dll ( optional for loudness workflows

  • LVC.ocx ( optional for loudness workflows

  • MteDefaultCustomMask.dll ( optional for integration with Content Manager

  • DigaContentTabHost.dll ( optional for integration with DPE

  • DigaXmlTransformer ( optional for EDL export with XSL transformation

  • BCGPEdit260U141.dll ( optional for Express Editing (Speech to Text add-on)

  • SpeechmaticsInterface.dll ( optional for Express Editing (Speech to Text add-on)

  • TIOEmberPlus.dll ( optional for remote controlling MTE with Ember+.

  • AAFCOAPI.dll ( optional for AAF Export (Handover to ProTools) 

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 Redistributable Package

Fixed Features

  • CCD-40724: When saving via OpenMedia, audio template settings of the target table were not always observed

  • ReporterBox text disappeared when resizing the storyboard

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