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BCS Service






  • Requires .NET 4.8

  • Requires Audio32.dll (as minimum, part of release 2019.2)

  • Requires DigaSQL 3.14.3466.0

  • Requires EndPoints.dll

  • Requires BcsHelpers.dll

  • Requires RtfQuillDeltaConverter.dll

  • Requires min. BCS 6.0.417.0 or even min. 6.1.434.0 or higher for using endpoint story features

New Features

  • OIA-4652 Service is force stopped if configured WS or WSS port can't be used for listening by service start

  • Custom network drive mappings

  • OIA-3605 GetLockWithRtfFile and DeleteLockWithRtfFile support followed node types: Element Story, EndpointStory, Group

Fixed issues

  • Waveform upload is lost fixed

  • No more errors by establishing new connection for BCS user already logged before from another connection

  • Error message by stopping service or closing connection to BCS if no more BCS users are connected to BCS under closed account

  • Properly start / stop node notifications for compatibility with some BCS workflows

  • Properly close WebSocket connection to BCS

  • Properly unlock BCS nodes by import database element

  • Properly handle delete notifications from BCS without extra data

  • Error message in Windows log by service initialization, if DigaSQL log isn't accessible

  • Properly handle path with " charcters and log error about illegal characters in path

  • BCSS: Improve susceptibility to errors

  • [Project EHFS] Can't parse message from BCS / Root element is missing.

  • [Project EHFS] BCSS - The operation was canceled

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