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Database Manager (DBM)





5.10.8283.18 (bugfix branch)


  • DBM requires Visual C++ redistributable for Visual Studio 2019 (Download “vcredist_x86.exe” at

  • It is recommended to deploy also XceedZip.dll, delivered together with DBM, as this DLL is needed for *.entry file export/import.

  • It is recommended to use DigaSQL.dll 3.20.3501.0 or newer

  • It is required to use MultiRec 4.8.337.0, recommended version is 4.8.340.0

  • It is required to use DigaRTF.ocx, recommended version is

  • It is required to use Loudness Visualization Control (LVC.ocx)

  • It is recommended to use DigaContentTabHost.dll

  • It is recommended to use OtmControl.ocx 2.8.783.14 or 2.9.803.0

  • Using Elasticsearch based full-text index requires installation of ElasticIndex.dll and relies on proper configured DPE ContentService

  • Receiving message from DPE MessageService requires a connection to the DPE backend

Fixed issues in versions 5.11.8307.0 and 5.10.8283.18

  • CCD-44147: When recording audio files with extension ".MPG", the resulting medium table entry now has the correct type "Audio"

  • CCD-44129: Using the default value for the "Broadcast" field

  • CCD-44150: Changed behaviour: Cursor jumps to end of search field when searching

  • Shortcut "Skip to end" in the entry mask moved the sound head to an invalid position (both versions)

  • Long parameter values were truncated at 767 characters

  • CCD-44284: New: Display the ASIO driver configuration dialog

Fixed issues in version 5.11.8307.0 only

  • CCD-43807/CCD-41917: don't close DBM when launched as a DCOM server and released by the client

  • CCD-43823: Wrong data in entry mask when DBM|CacheDefinitions=1 is set

  • Occasionally hangs when closing the metadata mask

  • Fix bulk editing

  • CCD-43882: Custom flags with non-ASCII characters cannot be positioned in the grid with the "FlagPos" parameter

  • CCD-43855: Selection via keyboard in definition list filters didn't work as expected

  • CCD-43865: Inconsistency regarding Ready and Perfect flags

  • Display scaling error in Multi Table Search View

  • CCD-43949: Wrong columns in Search View after user re-login

  • : Unit display in header of "Loudness Range" column corrected from dbFS to LU

  • Certain error messages were obscured by parts of the GUI

  • CCD-44093: User could soft delete entry through mask although has no right

  • CCD-42129: Using the ESC key as shortcut

  • CCD-44101: Loudness data was deleted when an entry is copied

  • Disable "softdelete" for definitions when "change" right is not granted

New Features in version 5.11.8307.0 only

  • CCD-42191: Audio conversion in the group members view (experimental)

  • CCD-44285: New shortcut "focus to tables filter"

  • CCD-44100: Using the default value for the “sub department” field

  • CCD-44256: Option to remove the "Save" button from the "Copy Data" dialog

Note: “experimental” means that this feature may not have received its final shape, and is therefore not available by default. To be able to access it, contact DAVID support. When you work with experimental features DAVID would be happy to receive your feedback.

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