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Interview Recorder



ROAD Interview Recorder

Related ROAD Backend Release

With R2023.3.0 ROAD backend is released as version 1.5.525.0. It is recommended to use those versions (or higher) in combination.


  • Support of DpeNanoServices

  • Authorization to ROAD backend

  • Support of secure connection to ROAD Backend via https/wss (REST and WebSocket)


New Features

  • Supports connections to DpeNanoServices and DPE (REST communication instead of WCF)

  • Supports of https/wss for connections to the ROAD backend

  • InterviewRecorder try to find secure backends automatically. Default lockup path: 1. App.Config, 2. http://localhost:11003, 3. https://hostname:1005, 4. https://localhost:1005

  • Instead of the auto connection it is possible to define the first lookup connection via the application settings file “InterviewRecorder.exe.config” at applicationSettings\RoadUrl = https:\\localhost:11005

  • Mouse over at “connection info label” to control current REST and WebSocket connection.

  • OIA-4875 Supports Authorization to ROAD Service. To activate see also configuration of Road Service: AuthorizationRequired=true

  • Prevent Job Creation While Not Subscribed with Road backend (the recording button is disabled during that short time)

Fixed Issues

  • Prevent job creation while not subscribed with ROAD backend (the recording button is disabled during that short time)


  • Minimum ROAD backend version 1.5.525.0

  • Minimum DPE Services is needed, suggested to use 2.9.20 from this Release

  • or Minimum DPE Nano Services 1.0.151 is needed

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