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ROAD Web Clients



ROAD Web Clients


Related ROAD Backend Release

With R2023.3.0 ROAD backend is released as version 1.5.525.0. It is recommended to use those versions (or higher) in combination.


  • Support of DpeNanoServices

  • Authorization to ROAD backend

  • InstaRecorder: Support for optional stop trigger

  • ROAD Admin: Template editor, Live level display, Log file access

Known Issues

  • InstaRecorder: Automatic stop level trigger doesn’t work after a manual start

  • Auto Trigger Limits cannot be set to a value below -48dB


All Clients

New Features

  • Provide version info in installation folder

  • Authorization to ROAD Service

  • Add title into “bext” chunk for BWF files

  • Remove <> from template settings.json to ovoid configuration issues

  • Provide database table alias, if available

Scheduling client

New Features

  • Add "No service" indicator to inform the user when current service host is unavailable

  • Extracting schedule ask for template name

Fixed Issues

  • Edit view missing scrollbar

  • Edit window improved - back button overlapping if too narrow

  • Returning from edit should keep the filters

  • Ember plus configuration improvement / Support for new field "ScanChildrenDeadTime"

  • Level triggers get lost

  • "Back to schedules" always asks for saving even if the user has nothing changed

  • Wrong error with manually entered segment length

Admin client

New Features

  • Templates: Use job types in edit mode

  • Job Monitor: Extended visuals in grid for auto update

  • Access insecure hosts to display devices

  • Show pending state while stopping jobs

Fixed Issues

  • Jobs should not auto refresh when switching subpages

  • Template editor's test function keeps former play time instead of zero

  • Filter regression / tooltip "entry out of scope" appears in hosts subpage

  • Attempting to edit ${ string in ROAD Template JSON in ROAD admin kills Template Editor


New Features

  • Stop trigger

  • Disable record button while prepping the recording

  • Improved error messages for failed job creation

Fixed Issues

  • Client sync not syncing empty channel list - When one client changes the device channels to be none, the other synced client does not reflect this. Most usually this will occur when the selected device is changed, but no channel is selected for it.

  • The defined automatic trigger's stop action was also applied if a user clicked manual on pause

  • Level Trigger "off" value must be sent as zero if the defined level is below the defined limit


  • Minimum ROAD backend version 1.5.525.0

  • Minimum DPE Services is needed, suggested to use 2.9.20 from this Release

  • or Minimum DPE Nano Services 1.0.151 is needed

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