Component | Version |
WebDigAIRange | |
BCS Service 6.1.425.0
Requires BCS Service version 6.1.425 or later
New Features
Voice over Component: The VoiceOverComponent feature is specifically created to make simple voice-over transitions within the rundown. Please note that this component will be sold separately under it’s own license and will not be bundled with the application itself.
License mechanism to toggle additional features
New parameters for auto ducking in Transitions
New column “Transitions”
Support for EndpointStories:
Template for EndpointStory to toolbar
Shortcuts list:
Overview of configured shortcuts in the help menu
UX Improvements:
New login screen
New color scheme
Chevron down icon to programs list in calendar view
Error message if user does not have access to any program
Improve accessibility and contrast issues
Merge app icon with instance name as link to Calendar view
Feature flag FeatureFlags\\nodeLocking to control node locking (feature is disabled by default)
Custom column configuration which allows to change size of the column
Change: Menu\\OpenCM is deprecated in favor of Menu\\buttons for a more generic and flexible interface
Change: Make Overview\\defaultHeight and Overview\\firstDay optional settings
Change: (Printing) Fix and rename Print\\Show\\ignoreAudioElement to Print\\Show\\skipAudioElement
Context Menu for Shows
Display scheduling buttons on show entry on mouse hover
Multi-selection in secondary rundown
Column for StartType
Playback rates (fast forward) on prelisten
Check ready and soft-deleted state of elements from miniContentManager
Support for Pools in Show Selection and Secondary Rundown
Change: Move collapse indicator into Title column
RTF Editor
Support for RTF contents to groups and stories
Magnifying glass icon to speaker search
selectUp and selectDown shortcuts to select entries
Change: Rename shortcut editEntry to focusMetaData
<data /> to display all data of an object during set up
Fixed issues
Auto save show meta-data when switching between shows
Cannot change attributes for show multiple times
Always show dialog for confirmation on copying show
Prelisten: Prelisten not stopped when switching shows, Make prelisten button clickable with full-width drag
Drag and drop: Ignore drag & drop of deleted entry, Prevent native drag & drop on read-only rundowns and fic changing track names after drag and drop
Secondary rundown: Fix broken UI for long lists in show selection and avoid opening details mask when an entry is dropped to main rundown from secondary rundown
Missing loudness symbol
Dropdown for Distribution Endpoints and support PNG and SVG icons
Use Time_StartMode to automatically change Time_StartType and toggle readonly of input fields
Handle empty result set for speaker data
(Prelisten) Playback rate for Fade Marker Control and Position markers in Meta-data mask
Error Message
Display error message if save operation fails
Suppress error message "Node not found"
Missing BCS connection error message on login
Error in broadcast date display in miniContentManager
Handle error on incorrect credentials for Content Service API
Execute search on enter in input field
Handle empty Shortcuts configuration
Some shortcuts that were not working (openCalendar, openCurrentShow, focusFirst, focusLast...)
Duplicate execution of shortcuts
Up/Down hard-coded shortcuts
Set line-height on clear format
Drag & drop of text within the editor
Preserve text selection during updates
Keep fonts with spaces in their name
Correctly display long RTF text
"Print\\Show\\ignoreAudioElement" is deprecated in favor of "Print\\Show\\skipAudioElements", default value true.
In print templates, the constant ignoreAudio was removed, because filtering of audio elements is done at a higher level.
"Menu\\OpenCM" is deprecated in favor of "Menu\\buttons" for a more generic configuration.
The deprecated parameter "Menu\\OpenCM" will be removed in WebDigAIRange 6.2.
"Scheduling\\views.toolbar" to configure custom buttons has become case-sensitive.
Instead of types "group", "story" or "element", use "Group", "Story", "EndpointStory" or "Element".
Component | Version |
WebDigAIRange | 6.0.639.37 (Bugfix Release) |
BCS Service 6.1.407.0
New Features
Playback rates (fast forward) for prelisten
Fixed issues
(WebSocket) Handle asynchronous save operation to avoid race condition