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Extended DigaCare Value

In Release 2024.2.0, we are introducing several new features and enhancements to our DigaCare offerings to provide additional value to our customers. Here is a small selection of highlights from the release:

Stability and Usability increase NEW!

Release 2024.2.0 is focused around stability improvement across the DAVID product portfolio.

  • Content Management

  • Media Production

  • Planning, Publishing and Playout

And more…

In addition to the stability increase we’ve made several quality of life changes to many products. Checkout the different change logs of each product to know nore.

Free access to SDKs on Developer Hub

  • we have made changes to how you interact with our SDKs

  • Read more about it here

For further information on these updates and their technical specifications, please reach out to our support or sales representatives.

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