TurboPlayer Service
TurboPlayer Service and the TurboPlayer Service SDK are in preview status
We strongly recommand to first use this version in a test environment before going productive with it. A stress test in a productive-like situation is needed in order to ensure the stability of this version.
Talk to our support team to get this version.
TurboPlayer Service
Component | Version |
TurboPlayer Service | (Test version) |
NET 6 Core Runtime and .NET 6 Runtime, x64 & x86
NET 6 Core Runtime and .NET 6 Runtime can be downloaded here
Installed DigaSystem core
Some parameters should be configured in DigaSystem registry
Section “TurboPlayerService” with at least one valid configuration should be created
Full BCS configuration should be existing
DPE 2.7.x with OIDC authentication support and followed services
Rights service
Parameters service
Log Service (optional)
TurboPlayer 6.3.2705.x (new minimum required TurboPlayer version!)
TurboPlayerServiceLicence.dll - required for full functional version
DigaSQL 3.14.3466.0 or higher
Non-backwards compatible changes:
Right name TurboPlayerService.SelectShow is renamed to TurboPlayerService.LoadFreeShowList
Right name TurboPlayerService.SelectNode is renamed to TurboPlayerService.LoadNodeIntoStack
Right name TurboPlayerService.SelectJingleGroup is renamed to TurboPlayerService.LoadJingleGroup
New features
Warning! The New API is incompatible with the previous TurboPlayer Service API (TurboPlayer Service Version 1.x)
Configurable maximum RTF file size transferred from service to client to prevent potential attacks
Username and Password are kept during upgrade installations, including Unattended upgrade installations
Service credentials and DPE credentials are kept during repair and modify installations
Service Username Placeholder Text is set to "LocalSystem"
TurboPlayer Service Connection Check is opened after a successful installation of TPS
Support for secure protocols added: Firewall rules
Support for secure protocols added: Port bindings
Support for secure protocols added: Certificate selection
Fixed handling empty service passwords
Fixed removing Temp/TurboPlayerService after a successful installation.
Fixed failing installation and uninstallation of TP Service
log4net.config is not deleted on uninstall
Added quotes to the TPS Service BinPath
Setting the TurboPlayer Service Display name failed
Fixed Repair and Modify installation, due to missing DPE_URL property
Fixed setup because URLACL was assigned wrong when the service user is empty or System user