Content Manager
Components | Version | Comments |
DPE | | Details for shared code |
DPE ContentManager | |
Content Manager (Base)
Related Workflow Templates
Template Name | Version | Changes |
AudioLoResOnTheFly.wft | | No changes, identical to Release 2019.2.0 |
AudioWaveformOnTheFly.wft | | No changes, identical to Release 2019.2.0 |
CreateFullTextIndex.wft | | No changes, identical to Release 2019.2.0 |
PreProductionAudio.wft | | |
SyncAllowedClasses.wft | | REST support |
PreProductionAudio.wft and AudioLoResOnTheFly.wft Workflow Template requires an Audio Processor, with license for AudioFileConverter (see Workflow Framework).
AudioWaveformOnTheFly.wft Workflow Template requires an Audio Processor, with installed AudioWaveformCreator module (see Workflow Framework).
New Features
Content Manager 3.x released as isolated web application (not part of DPE setup anymore)
OIA-2900 DPE ContentManager: Integrate WebComponents Login Screen
OIA-4925 CM Optimizations, Table header
OIA-5094 CM: Correct formatting of Speech-to-text
OIA-5194 CM: Editing the title of an element should be achieved faster
OIA-5332 CM: fast forward prelisten function for prelistening
OIA-5344 CM: Add table name to the browser tab
OIA-5450 CM: Replace Audio Controls with web component
OIA-5462 CM: fast forward prelisten function for shortcuts
OIA-5513 CM: Implement new table searching behaviour
OIA-5595 DPE: Exchange app logos
OIA-5599 CM: Place view-icons right to the search-box
OIA-5600 CM: Search placeholder text contains information about table selected as reminder
OIA-5601 CM: Move "Filters to the left of the search-box
OIA-5657 CM: Check jquery.ui if it is still used and try to remove it
OIA-5658 CM: Check if jqwidgets is still in use and try to remove it
OIA-5661 CM: Replace jquery.signalR with npm package
OIA-5662 CM: Remove oidc package
OIA-5663 Try to get rid of json2 library
OIA-5664 Replace expr-eval with npm package
OIA-5665 Replace Quill with npm package
OIA-5666 Replace log4javascript library with npm-package
OIA-5667 Replace moment.js library with npm package
OIA-5668 CM: Push dpe-html5-framework/core to npm \(similar like DavidFont\)
OIA-5673 CM: Find out where prettify.js is used and replace it with npm package
OIA-5674 CM: Move packages/davidsystems/framework/Fullscreen.js to dpe-html5-framework\\core
OIA-5675 CM: Replace meyer reset css with npm package or move it to dpe-html-framework/core
OIA-5676 CM: Replace fontawesome with npm package
OIA-5677 CM: Check if bootstrap-3.3.7/css/bootstrap.css is used and replace it with npm package if necessary
OIA-5679 Push dpe-cli-shared components to npm \(similar like DavidFont\)
OIA-5714 CM: Check if passwordFont/password.css is used and see if it need to be added to dpe-html5-framework
OIA-5717 CM: Replace davidsystems/style.css with david-font npm packages
OIA-5723 Extract/Migrate dpe-cli-shared to Gitlab
OIA-5724 Extract/Migrate dpe-html5-framework/core to Gitlab
OIA-5747 CM: provide plugins in vendor
OIA-5752 CM: Create settings.json from Default.aspx
OIA-5755 CM: add roboto-font to assets output \(like font-awesome\)
OIA-5757 CM: load custom plugins from dist/plugins
OIA-5758 CM: migrate Loading spinner to Ember app
OIA-5781 CM: Adapt creation of URLs in for ashx handlers to dpeServiceRoot instead of hard-coded own base address
OIA-5783 CM: adjust favicon URL's in index.html
OIA-5785 New CM: how to solve dpeServiceRoot references in details pane templates
OIA-5800 CM: Make main navigation configurable
OIA-5803 CM: remove featuresHack code
OIA-5823 New CM: Export plugin does not respect serviceRootAddress
OIA-5841 RCE: does not respect dpeServiceRoot when building PlaylistManifest.ashx URL
OIA-5912 New CM: Change resource url's in plugins to npm package path
OIA-5954 CM: Provide new table cell template for Consistency Check result visualization
OIA-5962 New CM/Admin: add PAR examples to Git and output
OIA-5963 New CM/Admin: create PAR examples for AppMenu
OIA-5997 New CM: move login page and route to dpe-cli-shared
OIA-5998 New CM/Admin: Implement computer-name field logic on login page
OIA-6011 New CM/Admin: redirect generically to login-page for any route if not authenticated
OIA-6078 New CM/Admin: check and fix deployed webapp under a path
OIA-6208 CM/Admin: add a section to settings.json, to override the top-menu configuration
OIA-6342 CM/Admin: auto-detect the settings.json value for useWcf if it is not explicitly set
OIA-6403 CM E2E: Setup playwright project in CM
OIA-6425 CM E2E: Cleanup existing test project
OIA-6463 CM Auto producer modal: Exchange title and labels of the modal
OIA-6465 CM ACP Template: re-design ACP mask
OIA-6466 CM ACP Template: re-define markers
OIA-6468 CM ACP Template: adjust labels and input fields
OIA-6470 CM ACP Linked: add placeholder and helper texts
OIA-6471 CM ACP parts: Add possibility to d&d content from the list
OIA-6508 CM E2E: Update read me with Code coverage/ E2E steps
OIA-6509 CM ACP Template: re-implement design of the ACP mask
OIA-6514 CM: switch localization in s2t-area
OIA-6520 EAO/CM: add copy - paste shortcuts to eao-text2, update EAO in CM
OIA-6543 CM 3.x: Remove legacy license checks from code
OIA-6550 EAO/CM: add CTRL\+A shortcut to s2t-area
OIA-6630 DPE: Loudness ears should not only be distinguishable via colour
OIA-6731 CM, Admin: Force a page refresh after signout
OIA-6776 DPE: Update app switcher based on design system
OIA-6801 DPE: Update accent-colors of all Apps
OIA-6851 CM: Add possibility to add aliases in StoryConnect
OIA-6903 CM: copy entry via d&d does not check Mandatory = Essential Fields
OIA-7102 CM: Create playwright test automation for placeholder change on table select
OIA-7173 CM 3.x: improve table item tooltip
OIA-7310 DPE: Introducing new parameters to control scroll behavior \(CCD-45248\)
OIA-7358 CM3: Document setting.json
OIA-7359 CM3: Document OIA-5513
OIA-7378 CM: The context menu needs to work on every entry
OIA-7381 CM and ADMIN: Find a proper space for CM3 and Admin3 migration documentation
OIA-7404 CM: Storyconnect Aliases and External should not be able to be selected simultaniously
Bugs fixed
OIA-5469 Slowness when scrolling within a table using chrome browser.
OIA-6529 ContentManager: TableColors cannot be shared with other Apps \(like DBM\) and do not support color schemes
OIA-5793 CM: solve wrong service request after refresh
OIA-5827 New CM: About DPE not opening
OIA-5843 New CM: missing resource playButton.png
OIA-5847 RCE: wrong image.ashx request without serviceRootAddress
OIA-5858 New CM/RCE: Empty page after refresh in RCE
OIA-5915 DPE: combo-box not having all results if expanding via toggle button
OIA-5916 CM: distributionendpoints custom field is saved uppercase
OIA-5921 CM: distribution endpoints should be case-sensitive
OIA-5942 New CM: Opening MTE via plugin fails with undefined serviceRootAddress
OIA-5944 New CM: isBrowserBridgeAvail\(\) is not working
OIA-5945 New CM: Stories do not open
OIA-5951 New CM: window title changed wrongly to RCE in CM
OIA-5960 New CM: BrowserBridge.png is missing
OIA-5967 New CM/Admin: fix link to admin licenses if license expired
OIA-5980 New Admin: hide left menus with aspx iframe contents because of asp gen content
OIA-5992 New CM: message bus web socket fails on F5 \(with a valid logon before\)
OIA-5994 New CM: before/during logon the browser bridge was asked for the computer name, this code seems to have vanished
OIA-5996 New CM: Fix exceptions in console after logout
OIA-6004 New CM: CustomField \(Endpoint\) exception in console
OIA-6005 New CM/Admin: fix misparsed dpetoken from url with search params and hash fragment
OIA-6008 New CM: missing and wrong resources in login screen
OIA-6010 New CM/Admin: return url not kept in hash fragment on sign out
OIA-6012 New CM/Admin: shows error "DPE2 license is missing" when DPE backend is down
OIA-6014 New \(and old\) CM: FileSizeConverter fails for some sizes, e.g. 8192
OIA-6029 New CM: displayed date/time format is different from old DPE ?
OIA-6036 New CM: when lock entries for RTF editing the clientId is not based on the message-bus guid \(as in old DPE\) but is the logged in user which is wrong as it is not unique for the client
OIA-6083 New CM/Admin: fix remaining transitions to license/action missing pages when non authenticated
OIA-6090 SCE regression: select multiple subclips, Delete All fails
OIA-6093 New Admin/Old CM: legacy CM token handover does not work
OIA-6102 New CM/Admin: check if cookie are enabled at login page
OIA-6103 New CM: wrong user-settings after changing login user
OIA-6106 New CM: Localize login-page error messages
OIA-6108 New CM: Page title is not correctly updated on signout and on app menu transition
OIA-6147 New CM/Admin: faulty settings.json e.g. // comment inside should show a message box and not only write an error in console
OIA-6179 New CM/Admin: the dialog is not closed after Change Password
OIA-6203 New Cm/Admin: Token in local storage is created with the 401 error on wrong logon
OIA-6356 CM: Facet search area display go over the content area in newer chrome version
OIA-6460 New CM 3.x: long titles in "Titles with Color" custom template are spilling over \(but do not in old CM\)
OIA-6533 New CM/Admin: Roboto with font-weight 700 is not used therefore on a Mac some fonts look ugly/wrong
OIA-6569 CM: Table pane is behaving crazy with default width param
OIA-6570 CM: Using the selected tables scrollbar make the header moves
OIA-6571 CM: Bug when switching between 2 users when a table is selected
OIA-6673 CM: Light-Dark mode theme switch for WebComponents
OIA-6681 CM dark theme breaks when you set UIScheme\_available = Default|Pink|Test|Dark
OIA-6694 Multiselection via shift\+arrow keys does not work properly anymore
OIA-6703 CM: facets cannot be customized anymore
OIA-6712 s2t-area needs a way to scroll the visible text according to the playout position
OIA-6714 EAO/CM: eao-text2 is sporadically behind waveform load, which leads to wrong metadata-tags
OIA-6722 CM/EAO zoom in/out with shift mousewheel broken since DPE 2.5
OIA-6730 CM S2T detail pane: browser console shows EAO error
OIA-6740 EAO/CM: first metadata tag is wrongly recognized as Silence in eao-text2
OIA-6751 CM with REST backend: copy entry to group in another table fails
OIA-6757 RCE: create thumbnail button not visible even I have the action right
OIA-6758 CM/RCE: signing out in CM with an unsave RCE project throws exception
OIA-6760 CM: Audio-player in group list view not correctly aligned
OIA-6767 CM: optionsSlotChange throws error
OIA-6769 CM: german error message is "bad" german
OIA-6782 CM 3.x: direct update of checkboxes failing with REST
OIA-6804 New CM: changing entry selection leads to exception in browser console and sometimes crashes browser
OIA-6805 New CM: asyncGetDefaultEntry throws exception in console \(when used with REST\)
OIA-6816 CM: Widget rtf-speaker-time-calculation in two details pane templates does not work anymore
OIA-6910 CM: Changing the table color for a table should not change the selection of tables
OIA-6952 Newer versions of RCE are super slow on project containing 127 clips in bin and/or timeline
OIA-7390 CM: details-edit.js::selectionChanged is observing the wrong data and is never fired
OIA-7399 CM: details-edit.js selectionChange obvserver path is wrong
OIA-7400 CM: fix workarounds for being able to execute JavaScript on entry selection changes or editMode changes in details pane templates JavaScript
OIA-7424 CM3: RCE/SCE page titles overwritten by CM if directly loaded
OIA-7430 CM 3.x: s2t area is missing hard-coded theming in CM Dark theme
OIA-7454 CM/Admin 3.x: no good way out of a license-missing or action-right-missing situation
Related Workflow Templates
Template Name | Version | Changes |
AnalyzeEntry.wft | | No changes, identical to Release 2022.2.0 |
ConvertAudioFileToAllowedFormat.wft | | No changes, identical to Release 2021.1.0 |
CopyEntry.wft | | |
CopyEntryFilesAndSetToExisting.wft | | No changes, identical to Release 2021.1.0 |
CreateEntryFromUrl.wft | | No changes, identical to Release 2019.2.0 |
CopyEntry.wft and CoypEntryAndSetToExisting.wft workflows require an Audio Processor with license for AudioFileAnalyzer and an Utility Processor in with license for FileTransfer (see Workflow Framework)
AnalyzeEntry.wft workflow requires an Audio Processor with license for AudioFileAnalyzer (see Workflow Framework)
ConvertAudioFileToAllowedFormat.wft workflow requires an Audio Processor with license for AudioFileConverter (see Workflow Framework)
New Features
Content Manager interface to Audio Editors
Components | Version |
DPE BrowserBridge | or newer |
MultiTrack Editor | 7.10.1783.0 or newer |
Requires an installed BrowserBridge (DPE-inside) with version or newer (see Browser Bridge)
Requires minimum an installed MultiTrack Editor version 7.10.1783.12
New Features
Content Manager interface to DigAIRange
Components | Version |
DPE BrowserBridge | or newer |
DigAIRange | 4.9.602.5 or newer |
Requires an installed BrowserBridge (DPE-inside) with version or newer (see Browser Bridge)
Requires minimum an installed DigAIRange version 4.9.602.5
New Features
Content Manager Option: Thumbnail View
New Features
Content Manager Option: Story
New Features
Content Manager Option: HiRes Video Preview
Additional Related Modules
Components | Version |
DPE BrowserBridge | or newer |
MCL Player | Project specific |
Requires an installed BrowserBridge (DPE-inside) or newer (see Browser Bridge)
Requires a project specific released MCL Player
New Features