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AnalyzeTransformer Filter Specification

This filter is for debugging purposes only. Audio data runs through it unchanged, and the filter can create various forms of "data dumps" of these audio data.

JSON Structure

	"name": "AnalyzeTransformer",
	"fileName": "...",
    "dumpRawBuffer": true/false,
    "dumpMediaFile": true/false,
    "dumpMediaSamples": true/false,
    "switchOutput": true/false

Defines the path and name of the generated output files. The extension can be omitted, because it is automatically generated by the filter anyway.

dumpRawBuffertrue  or false. If true , the filter writes the raw audio data to a file with extension .raw. The parameter is optional, the default is false .
dumpMediaFiletrue  or false. If true , the filter writes a WAVE file with the audio data. The parameter is optional, the default is false .
dumpMediaSamplestrue  or false. If true , the filter writes a comma-separated-value text file, extension .csv, containing all information about the DirectShow media samples. The parameter is optional, the default is false .

true  or false. If true , the filter starts new output files (adding suffixes "-1", "-2", etc. to the original filenames) whenever a so-called "discontinuity" is signaled on the audio stream. This is e.g. the mechanism, which is used by the ROAD Worker to implement Output Switches . The parameter is optional, the default is false .

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