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Raw File Formatter Filter Specification

Raw File Formatter Filter Specification

The Raw File Formatter filter is used in an output graph, immediately before a FileWriter or DPE Writer filter. Other than the WAVDest filter, which formats output as a WAVE file, the Raw File Formatter formats the output stream as a raw file (audio only, no metadata).

JSON Structure
    "name": "Raw File Formatter",
    "overlapOnSwitch": ...,
    "createMpeg": {
        "Mp3": false/true,
        "bitRate": "...",
        "jointStereo": "..."




A time in milliseconds, which specifies an "overlap" in the audio between two adjacent database entries in case of output switches. The field is optional, default is 0 (i.e. no overlap).


This object should always be present. The audio content of the file will be encoded as MPEG.

  • Mp3: If false, the audio will be encoded as MPEG Layer 2 ("MP2"). If true, it will be encoded as MPEG Layer 3 ("MP3"). The field is optional, default is false.

  • bitRate: Bit rate in kbit/s. The field is optional, default is 192.

    • For MPEG Layer 2, valid values are 192, 160, 128, 112, 96, 80, 64, 56, 48, 32  for mono, and 384, 320, 256, 224, 192, 160, 128, 112, 96, 64 for stereo.

    • For MPEG Layer 3, valid values are 320, 256, 224, 192, 160, 128, 112, 96, 80, 64, 56, 48, 40, 32 (both mono and stereo)

  • jointStereo: Either true or false. If true,  and you have a stereo encoding, the encoder will use "Joint Stereo" mode. The field is optional, default is false.


  • To make MPEG encoding possible, if the output graph must not have more than 2 channels, and its sample rate must be valid for MPEG (32000, 44100 or 48000).

  • For MPEG Layer 3 encoding, the external DLL lame_enc.dll is needed.

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